In response to Nesso
No because while Vertex might use name referances for his games, he has never really stolen any game sources. As far as I know anyways.

Even if he had, most of the time the person who reports a stolen source, gave the other person a source to begin with. That isn't stealing a source.

As for the rest of Vertex's Hyjinxs he keeps it mostly to his own Blog instead of on the forums here.

Really Vertext hasn't really done all that much wrong stuff, he is just realllly reallllllly dumb.

I think Ive been banned twice. Once for a week and once for a month. :P
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Doing . . . stuff.

Yup, that's about the best answer I can come up with.
In response to Shades
He's impersonated Silent_Shadow19 atleast twice. I can't remember if he tried to "hack" also.
In response to Sniper Joe
Sniper Joe wrote:

That some how hasn't worked with all the zetas...

And one naruto source that got stolen then ripped about four times
In response to Sniper Joe
Posing as a Byond official
Charging subscriptions on fangames
Hub misuse
Being a threat to any Byond member/staff in reallife
Hacking/Abusing a Byond bug
And anything else the staff considers a threat.
In response to Nesso
He didn't hack crap. Being given or knowing a password is different from hacking.

I also want to know how you impersonate someone on BYOND?

If I went and tried to make a key called Nesso, it wouldn't let me. And if I went and tried to make a key like nesso or NeSsO, it either wouldn't let me, or it is so obious that it isn't funny and only morons would fall for it.

If you mean logging into games with his player name like a key. Well. come on. BYOND dosen't monitor what happens in games.
In response to Shades
It's better to ask Sniperjoe how you impersonate someone. He came up with this list. :/

Basically, it's the difference between Lol_hi64 and Lolhi_64.
In response to Mike H
Mike H wrote:
Praising the Lakers and/or Kobe.

Oh crap! There I go!
In response to Nesso
That isn't impersonating anyone. Lots of places have user names and keys like that. You should see how many people on GunBound Online share similar ideas.

I can see your point, where someone might try that. But only an idiot would fall for it. There is a big differance.

You think there isn't going to one other person in the world who thinks of Shades or Sniper Joe? Cause if you don't well stop drinking lighter fluid.
In response to A.T.H.K
True and to that point I have to say...more then likely,the BYOND would only take care of "important" games. :-\ Just the way it is.
In response to digitalmouse
Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Eating forbidden apples. Wait...that was the Garden of Eden.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
He didn't hack crap. Being given or knowing a password is different from hacking.

I also want to know how you impersonate someone on BYOND?

If I went and tried to make a key called Nesso, it wouldn't let me. And if I went and tried to make a key like nesso or NeSsO, it either wouldn't let me, or it is so obious that it isn't funny and only morons would fall for it.

If you mean logging into games with his player name like a key. Well. come on. BYOND dosen't monitor what happens in games.

Yeah, someone created a key with Acebioke with a capital I, and people fell for it because their stupid, haha. It was funny for awhile, but then he started to get annoying.
In response to Nesso
What the crap? Dude lay off, I didn't "impersonate" anyone. You need to realize maybe more then one person in this world thinks of the same idea.
In response to Acebloke
Yeah, a while back I created a NightWang key (in replace of my N1ghtW1ng) key...that was funny >.> Even though they don't look alike, it would be like
N1ghtW1ng has entered The Lounge
xxxx xxxxx: "Every time I see your key, I think it says NightWang"
Me: "Hmm"
NightWang has entered The Lounge

Okay, maybe you had to be there =P
In response to Kalzar
Kalzar wrote:
xxxx xxxxx: "Every time I see your key, I think it says NightWang"

I see what you did there, Kalzar!
In response to Sniper Joe
In response to Acebloke
Didn't Ch**t*z (<_<) make an Eiation and Heii Ramen key? :p
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