Response: No
Response: We'll try to carry it out asap! |
Response: Applications are open as long as it's still in closed testing. |
Response: Your use of English kills my soul. |
Response: You predicted wrong. |
Response: No |
Response: Nah. |
Response: Sob stories won't work, Sorry. |
Response: glhf |
Response: More like Prior of the Ice Barriers |
I should be a tester as compensation for you're racist remarks.
The end. Response: Accepted as Tester, nice English though, bud. |
Response: DISNEY XD |
Hi, my name is Chyunman98 and I'd like to join testing because i'm super mlg cool hax pro weed no scoper 420xx illuminati.
Response: Accepted as Tester |
Response: Kunta Kente owns a computer?