![]() Apr 28 2006, 7:06 am
In response to Scoobert
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The name really suprised me when I first read it. Took me a few times to actually realize that Wii is the name. I could hardly believe it.
... Anyways, I'll just call it Revolution behind Nintendo's back. :P |
That's pretty lame, Joe. You can still call it Revo. I don't think it's really good, n'either, but 'Revolution' now will be 'Prehistoric' later.
Scoobert wrote:
Names mean a lot, dispite what many have claimed. They can make or break a system, on sheer "cool factor" alone. The big N doesn't really have to worry about "cool factor" completely breaking on of their systems, because they have fanboys, but it could hurt sales, a lot. I think the same thing. The controller was shocking but it was actualy a cool idea. This one is just wayyy too shocking to be a good idea at the moment. I'm hopin this is jsut some big joke that they will reveal at E3, because like you said, it could hurt sales by alot. Only the truly hardcore fans will get it first and maybe some will not be embarrassed to get one later on. If I get one like I planned to way bavk when it first announced, I will refuse to call it a Wii..I'd call it a Rev or a Nintendo..0_0 |
Gaaa! I dont know how to set my keyboard to that...and even if I did, I do not have all of Kanji memorized... Bah.
It deserves to be made fun of, a sensible amount of humor keeps the more stupid ideas in check.
Remember that story about the naked king who no one told was naked, and how he was in a parade with his great new costume, and didn't find out he was just being retarded until some prepubesant boy in the crowd shouted what everyone else was thinking? That's what's going on here...I'm sure in some closed boardroom in Japan this idea looked great from their end, but now it's time for folks to give them a clue. Anyone ever watch Brainiac's 101 uses for Wee? |
Rockinawsome wrote:
Remember that story about the naked king who no one told was naked, and how he was in a parade with his great new costume, and didn't find out he was just being retarded until some prepubesant boy in the crowd shouted what everyone else was thinking? No, I've never heard that one. |
The story goes that a King loved to always have the latest threads and be on the top of trends. One day a pair of scam artists came into town poseing as tailors.
They promised the king that he would love his clothes and be on the edge of the latest fashion.. So the king set them up and paid a lot of money for them to start. One day they told the king they were finished and had him come to the room. They asked him to close his eyes while they put the clothes on him so he would be surprsied. As they dressed him, they went on to tell him how good he looked and how awesome he would look to everyone. When he opened his eyes, he was completely nude. He asked them what the meaning was of this. They asked him what he ment. They said he looked out standing. The king looked at himself, suddenly unsure. He asked why he couldn't feel the clothes. They told him that the clothes was so light, you couldn't feel them. Still unsure he went to his staff and his family and asked them what they thought. They were worried that if they didn't see what the king saw, he would excuate them. So they all told him how outstanding he looked. The king, now impressed with his new clothes wanted to have a street parade to show off his new clothes to the kingdom. As he rode down the street, suddenly a child cried out "Why is the King naked?" Just then everyone started to laugh, but by the time the king had figured everything out, the scam artists were already long gone. Personally I don't understand how this has anything to do with the Nintendo's new name. Another thing is, it is just Nintendo showing off their uniqueness and creatavity. Anyone who is unwilling to even give the new system a chance because of the name needs to be striken with cancer. |
Shades wrote:
Anyone who is unwilling to even give the new system a chance because of the name needs to be striken with cancer. I hope I never, EVER see a comment like this again. |
Polatrite wrote:
Shades wrote: I agree. That's not funny, it's offensive. |
Just as offensive as the many times people say "People like that should be shot." The majority of people do it; they just do it in different forms.
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
The said the "ii" means good..0_0 "ii" means good? S it's a W-good? "MOM! I'm going to play my W-good!" Wow that makes a lot of sense...-_- |
Maybe Wii means something in Japanese. Given the character for wi is obsolete in the language I doubt it :P. |
Shades wrote:
Personally I don't understand how this has anything to do with the Nintendo's new name. Another thing is, it is just Nintendo showing off their uniqueness and creatavity. "Stretch your mind young one, and enlightened you be", so sayeth Yoda. It's called an analogy, a story used as a metaphor or comparison, not to be confused with an allegory such as Pilgrim's Progress. And, though I would play a console called "Shades has Aids" if it were awesome enough, I don't think that'd be a very good name, do you? Which brings me to my next point --> In any situation where one such as I is bold enough to disagree with you, do you wish cancer upon them as well? Okay, so it's probably a "joke", just like my previous paragraph's "Shades has Aids", but does it make it any more acceptable that you react so poorly to anyone who doesn't share your opinion? Since this is a trivial matter, I'd hate to see how you deal with greater qualms. |
Easy, I chop them up and throw their parts into the closest river or ocean.
No really in all seriousness now, I know where you are coming from. Why? Becuase last week, there was this really bad movie I went to with some people and when it was done I said "That movie was so bad I think it gave me cancer!" Some people kind of laughed and that was it. Later I found out from someone else, those same people, their grandfather died from cancer. I'll make it a point in the future to try and not make such incenestive comments in the future. Instead saying, "anyone stupid enough to [whatever] should be raped. Ok ok, now really. The reaction from the gamer community has been nothing less then stupid, and as soon as people see a $600+ price tag on a Sony PS3, they are going to toally forget the name. The name really is witty, and it took some thought to come up with. But thats it, it is only a name. And Nintendo took the name and tried to use it to express their intentions, and they shouldn't be talked down to for that. Instead of saying Nintendo 3 or something.. they sat down and thoght about it. And actully this name, is going to MAKE people remeber this system and the name, and in the end, isn't any kind of attention good marketing? Because people are going to remeber it. And if it makes some people laugh, even better, right? Gamers need to get over it and just get on with their lives. |