In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
In america, I take it that it's something to do with Mexicans holding up your entire damned economy by doing all the jobs you won't do yourself. How dare they keep you afloat like that!

I'm -really- sick of hearing that response. You don't know me, you don't know my friends, and you don't know what jobs we do and don't want to do. A few years ago, there weren't even enough teens to work all the summer jobs around here. Now? Ha, good luck trying to find a job.
In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
I'm -really- sick of hearing that response. You don't know me, you don't know my friends, and you don't know what jobs we do and don't want to do. A few years ago, there weren't even enough teens to work all the summer jobs around here. Now? Ha, good luck trying to find a job.

Blame diminished industry and lack of available jobs, not people's willingness to work.

Either way, I think my opinion on this whole thing is a little skewed since I'm probably the only person on this thread who wants more people to emmigrate to America (via any means) in order to destroy it's culture, economy and bring the giant bully down to it's knees.
In response to Elation
Getting in on the American Dream is okay, if you do it legally. Saying you can break the laws to get in on the American Dream is like saying you couldn't arrest Al Capone because "he was getting in on the American Dream" even though he did it through illegal activity.

While I'm sure [most] illegal immigrants truly think they can get in on the American dream that way, that's because Mexico incourages them to go. I don't mind them so much - the problem is that if hopeful future citizens can come in illegally, without documentation, the ruthless, bloodthirsty, crazed islamofacists that want to kill us all can do the same thing. I would require nothing but a background check and a few required english and history classes for all incoming immigrants were I in charge - but I would [ideally] not allow anyone in without the permission of the government.

In response to Jp
Actually, they take jobs from blue-collar Americans and drive wages down. They may be "supporting" us as you say, but if they all left, the jobs they leave will be filled in days. Stopping Illegal Immigration will bring wages up, put more money into the pockets of Americans, and reinstate the law of the land as supreme law (not the law of Mexico, which is driving its citizens over the border).

The economy is not grinding to a halt today - the Stock Market is doing well today, a welcome reversal of the last week or two, when the craze over Gas prices drove a ton of stocks down.

In response to DarkCampainger
Put them all in jail, get a background check, and ship the 77% (Vito's estimate) that are Illegal back home, and release the other 23% (estimate) with formal apologies. Effective, but Mexico would go nuts. (They're trying to run out all their poor, getting them all back would be an unwelcome suprise for them)

In response to CaptFalcon33035
However, most of us came to be where we are with the permission of any existing government in the area...

In response to A.T.H.K
I had pink eye for a week once, and some kid told the school I was skipping. They sent the person to my door and when my mom answered, they asked for me. I came to the door, they apologized and left. This was in a small school where everyone thinks everyone else's business is their business.
In response to Vito Stolidus
Al Capone because "he was getting in on the American Dream" even though he did it through illegal activity.

A little off topic, but my great great grandfather was Als personal chef. >_>
In response to Vito Stolidus
Vito Stolidus wrote:
...but if they all left, the jobs they leave will be filled in days.

more likely those businesses would go out of business because they'd be forced to pay higher wages due to employee demands or unions or existing laws. then there would be no jobs in certain industries in certain locations.

did anyone think to note that they do pay taxes in a round-a-bout way? most purchases would include a sales tax of some sort. they are just saving time by not filling out a tax return and getting money back from the government. you'd think people would be *happy* they are not doing that.

In response to digitalmouse
But they themselves don't pay those taxes - I, as an American, am paying them for those people.

In response to Vito Stolidus
In the area. Great Britain allowed us to go.. Most of the time. =D
Shades wrote:
Why are they marching?
protest march for illegal immgrations

you answered yourself there.

people (yes, they're still people) don't protest because they are 100% satisfied with the laws and want them to stay exactly as they are, they want something to change whether you like it or not.
In response to OneFishDown
Good for them. I hope people got in trouble. I was listening to the radio today and I heard that people in MY Town, the schools were telling children not to skip or they would be suspened and a number of buisness owners fired people who were no shows.

Other buisness owners just gave everyone the day off so they didn't get any problem with amercians who were working.

Really, its annoying. We have legal immgrants and illegal immgrants. The legal immgrants did it the proper way, they work and live legally in the USA and they pay taxes. They are part of the USA and should try to protect the way we live, instead of supporting these people who break the law.

Choose a side and stick with it. Live in Amercia, or Live in Mexico, where the water makes you pee blood.
In response to Shades
see [link]
In response to OneFishDown
Thats no excuse to try and attain through illegal means.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
Thats no excuse to try and attain through illegal means.

And the fact that the "illegal" ones don't care about the "American Dream"; they can care less about America and staying here. They want to leach off our system, send money back home, get free education(which we Americans can't get), etc. They are an invading force plan and simple.

The Spanish Version of "Star-Spangled Banner" went too far as well. Heck they even changed the name to "Our Anthem". It's a sad state of affairs. I for one hope it backfires on them.

ps. Why is our Congress men and women even listening to them to begin with? The "illegal" ones can't even vote!.
In response to Vito Stolidus
Vito Stolidus babbles:
...I, as an American, am paying them for those people.

so you actually pay more taxes than normal? that's odd- i have not heard taxes have gone up to compensate for illegal immigrants - heck, i don't think taxes have gone up in a long time. so i doubt you are paying for them too. usually when the government raises taxes it's to cover their butts from military spending, or debts they owe (or money they've lent out to other countries).

i've never heard of taxes being raised in the last 30 years due to illegal immigrants. so how exactly are you paying *for* them?
In response to Xzar
Xzar wrote:
And the fact that the "illegal" ones don't care about the "American Dream"; they can care less about America and staying here. They want to leach off our system

How do you know what they care about? Where did you get that information from - Fox News, perhaps? CNN?

Maybe if you actually FOUND some illegal immigrants, and talked to them, and got to know them, then you would have more credibility when you claim that you're in possession of the facts.

send money back home

And why shouldn't they support their families?

get free education(which we Americans can't get)

Oh, come on. I'm not believing this without some documented evidence. How exactly are they getting free education which US citizens can't? Is there perhaps a special program set up to educate illegal immigrants?!

"Sorry, your papers are all in order, I'm afraid I'm not allowed to educate you."
In response to Crispy
Crispy quoted:
get free education(which we Americans can't get)

speaking as an American ex-pat living in Germany now, i know this is nonsense. education is often paid through state funds which are often paid for by state taxes (so when you buy something part of that goes to education) or possibly taxes from other means. so the same access to schooling that you get, they get. besides, it's better to educate immigrants and help integrate them into the community than to kick them out again - that is one of Americas greatest values. the whole 'give us your tired, your poor, your hungry masses yearning to be free...' schtick.

about the only time when you (or more likely your parents) actually, directly, pay for education is when you wish to continue beyond high-school, ie: tech-school, college, university, etc. but that comes out of *your* pocket. you don't pay for someone else, do you?
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