Well i was pretty confused by the terminal program used to install byond.
I know dreamseeker for mac users isnt out yet. But what about dreammaker?. I just need a program that can open up dmi files atleast. (make icons too if possible-heh i am asking for too much ;p). index.cgi?action=message_read&id=433009&forum=16&view=0&disp lay=1

Mike H's comment made me happy knowing the mac users will have dream seeker in the future.
I believe Mac has some kind of emulation service, if you can get ahold of a Windows Installer CD, you can run an emulator to run Windows.

But yes, I really hope in the near future, both linux and mac versions of BYOND will be released.
In response to Flame Sage
Proper cross-platform support for BYOND is a big task. It's something that the staff would like to do, but it's definitely a post-4.0 feature.

That said, BYOND 4.0 is supposedly Just Around The Corner (tm), so hopefully we won't have too long to wait. =)

In the meantime you can try emulating it - I hear users of Virtual PC have had some success running BYOND on a Mac.
you can use just about any development software to write code for BYOND. you would just need to run the DreamMaker compiler from the commandline/terminal.

i actually use Quanta on Linux - works well for me, and lets me set up code-highlighting features, just like any other decent programming editor for Mac/Windows does. i just keep a terminal window open so that i can quickly compile, then test (via Linux DS).