I'm not entirely sure where I should post this but I while back I was pointed to LummoxJR's hub script so after putting it up for test on my site I checked to see what it looked like and got this:-
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\lang2057\f0\fs 24 \par
"; echo " Games Online "; echo " "; while(list($n,$lst)=each($worlds)) \{ $url='world.php?'.urlencode($lst['url']); if(!$lst['status']) $lst['status']='(No status info available)'; echo "Join ["; echo $lst['status']; echo "]
Logged in: "; echo join(" - ",$lst["users"])."
\\n"; \} echo "
"; \} ?> \par \par \pard\f1\fs20 \par }
My php knowledge may be virtually non-existant but I know I shouldn't be getting that.
NOTE: After reading some of my old posts I realize I don't explain myself very well, If you don't know what I'm asking say and i'll try to explain better
![]() May 14 2006, 12:28 pm
![]() May 14 2006, 12:34 pm
Notepad works much better than Wordpad for HTML, PHP, and other web-related things. :)
Expanding on that - you need to save as plain text. The fancier programs like Wordpad and Word will tend to scatter formatting instructions thoughout the file, which confuses the PHP interpreter. Notepad always saves as plain text anyway, which is why it's better.
DreamWeaver works too (I use it myself), but it's much more expensive than Notepad. =) Also takes longer to start up.
Crispy wrote:
DreamWeaver works too (I use it myself), but it's much more expensive than Notepad. =) Also takes longer to start up. Notepad++ works great too, it has syntax highlighting for various languages. Collapsable sections, numbered lines. And it's A LOT more easier on the eyes than Notepad. |
I've used several different editors and I still get the same page, I even tried it with Maxituff's Frontpage Express (shudder). Haven't tried Notepad++ though - I'll give it a try
i highly recommend chami.com's HTMLKit editor. contrary to it's name, it's very good for editing PHP or Perl, as well as HTML, Javascript, C/C++, and even BYOND's DM language once you set it up correctly to colorize the code. can even be used to run a compiler from within the editor. a whole mess-load of plugins are available and comes with a built-in ftp client.
i've been using it for several years quite happily - first under Windows, then under Linux (runs under Wine). another is Eclispe - a decent Java-based programming editor that is gaining some popularity. includes plugins for PHP, Subversion, and others. |