In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
It's not just that, too. The music arm of that company has had a fair view stupid things, too. Remember that little virus they were including with a few of their popular music CDs? Oh, wait, it's called 'DRM management software'.

I don't recall hearing about that. What did this virus do? Was it actually harmful, or was it one of those spyware type things companies try to pull?
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
Just like Microsoft's Vista and their cutting of support for OpenGL

Whoa! Back up; back up a moment. What is this? Are you serious? By cutting support for, do you mean that it actually won't work on newer Windows OSs anymore (I can't imagine that) or just that they won't make it easy to use by including OpenGL libraries for the programmers, or what?

That is only going to feed the exodus to other operating systems.
In response to Loduwijk
Well, most of the issues with most of the current versions of OpenGL and Vista are solved. But there is one still remaining: OpenGL 2.0

Right now there is no support for OpenGL 2.0 and Microsoft has made no mention of including it. The old issues came from Vista's glitzy interface interfearing with OpenGL windows. Another issue is that Vista will not include extension support for OGL 1.4, which effectivly cuts off most of it's shader support.

Oddly enough, I just, like 5 minutes ago, went around reading OpenGL-vs-DX information and the wikipedia had a lot of info on Vista and OGL.
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
Y2kEric wrote:
The reason why its expensive because 1. The Cell Proccesser is the most powerful processer in the world.

I want a link to the press release for that one. "Sony to distribute world's most powerful processor cheap in PS3 -- PC industry fails to catch on, and still uses what it *thinks* are cutting-edge processors"

OK, I think Eric was going a bit crazy on this thing, but the Cell processor, although not the fastest, is a very powerful, and multitaskable processor.

2. The Blu-Ray drive (cost $1000), the BD-Rom's hold up to 200GB of data, and it's also HD.

The Blu-Ray drive is made by Sony, they set the price. The Blu-Ray holds up to about 50GB, not 200GB, from what I have heard.

...(still with slow read times, giving us longer load times)...

Can you provide some sources? How do you know it has slow read times? Slow read times compaired to what? I can bet you it is faster than a DVD, which is what the 360 uses.
In response to Scoobert
The fastest processor in the world is IBM's BlueGene/L which rates in at 70.72 teraflops and the PS3 runs at 2 teraflops, im not attacking ps3 im just saying its far from being the best proccessor in the world.

Anyway you still have to factor in graphic processors and the other components used before you can just say PS3 is better because its faster.

I can defintly see some struggle between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD but i'd rather wait for a computer based drive to come out and then get one after the dust settles.

Now i already have a computer worth about $1500+ and i'd rather not spend anymore on a console BUT i may spend some of my money on a Wii as it seems like its going to be cheaper and a bit of fun.

Chances are slowdowns are going to be that noticable, normally they put the games on quality disks so that slowdown is not noticable
In response to Critical
Critical wrote:
The fastest processor in the world is IBM's BlueGene/L which rates in at 70.72 teraflops and the PS3 runs at 2 teraflops, im not attacking ps3 im just saying its far from being the best proccessor in the world.

"...but the Cell processor, although not the fastest, is a very powerful.."

Anyway you still have to factor in graphic processors and the other components used before you can just say PS3 is better because its faster.

You are right. I never said anything about the processor being everything in the console, but it does mean a lot.

I can defintly see some struggle between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD but i'd rather wait for a computer based drive to come out and then get one after the dust settles.

Good point, but I am not getting the PS3 to watch movies on, I am getting it for games, so as long as Blu-Ray can hold them, I am fine with that format(The same goes for HD-DVD)

Now i already have a computer worth about $1500+ and i'd rather not spend anymore on a console BUT i may spend some of my money on a Wii as it seems like its going to be cheaper and a bit of fun.

I am in the same boat, but my computer just doesn't do many games that consoles do nearly as well. Graphicly it can handle anything the 360 can, and probably more, but the controls for PC work in only a limited selection of games(First person shooters and MMORPGs mainly, but they do work great).

Chances are slowdowns are going to be that noticable, normally they put the games on quality disks so that slowdown is not noticable

I'm not following you here. Normally "Slowdowns" are caused by hardware not being able to keep up with software. The idea of pre-loading is so that you don't have to worry about the bottle neck of discs and disks. The quality of the disks shouldn't have anything to do with the speed at which the game runs, but rather weather it runs now and runs in 2 years.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
I'm not psychic here; when all the signs point to you targetting me I'm not going to think otherwise when I come to some specific piece that's not targetting me without some reason to do so, even if that reason is something as simple as "But on a seperate note..."

Shrugs; Perhaps I expect more certainty from people before blatantly pointing fingers, such as inquiry on the subject.

Loduwijk wrote:
And yet game development has everything to do with the experience using the system and is thus valid in any discussion on the quality of gameplay with the system.

I'm going to try and bold this, apparently I'm not making the point I'm trying to make clear enough: Game development by companies other than the console company have NOTHING to do with the console company and can't be used to judge that company. In any way. At all.

Loduwijk wrote:
And it's not just "a game has excessively long loading times, and other games on the console don't" as you put it; any games I've ever played on a Playstation system that were worth playing had annoying loading times.

Well, then opinion between us differs; Which is fine, and I never claimed anything about games NOT having loading times. I merely said, the loading times can have just as much to do with the game developer, as they do the console itself.

You can't restrict your discussion to system and system developers only and tell me not to go into the games unless your only reply to PirateHead had been "I'm getting a PS3 because I like Sony."

I'm not restricting anything; I'm explaining what I consider valid, I'm not telling people what to discuss and what not to. The fact that game development from *seperate* companies does not enter into the quality of the console itself and thus its pricing, is not an attempt to stir discussion in a specific direction or away from anything -- Its fact.

Whatever a console is or is not capable of, the experience with it comes down to the games. Therefor any argument which tries to ignore game development in a discussion about whether or not to get a system is a pointless argument.

I'm not ignoring anything; But what you're discussing isn't the quality of the system itself, but its price based on the physical components in it. None of which have to do with games, at all.
In response to Loduwijk
It wasn't actually a virus but rather a DRM software that was hidden under a rootkit. If you don't know what a rootkit is, it is a program or way of hiding info on a harddrive in Windows. Basically, most users would never have any way of knowing that it was there because most filebrowsers would not show it.

They did not give any sort of a warning that they where putting this onto your computer, and it came from playing music CDs on your computer. This was not a problem as much as a bad idea... until hackers found out about it. Rootkits where originally created by hackers, and are commonly used by crackers to hide their tools. What Sony had done was effectively unlocked the door for crackers and hackers alike to slip in undetected.

I do not hold this against Sony as a whole. Sony is a big company with many branches. The PS3 developers where most likely nowhere near any of this, and had nothing to do with it. Just like one company to another. There is also a good chance that out side of Sony's music department, nobody knew about this.

There have been ideas flying around for a long time about DRM in the next-gen consoles. I heard claims that both Microsoft and Sony where going to restrict games to a "one console" system, preventing a game from being played on another console after it had been loaded. This, however, is utter bullcrap. DRM is not a good idea in the first place*, but when it comes to games, I can see them wanting to protect their games from being copied.

*I feel that if I buy something, it is my right to do whatever I want with it, outside of replicating it and giving it to others. If I want my music from a CD on my MP3 player, I should have the right to do so. If I want my movie stored on my computer for fast access, I should have the right to do so. The main problem is that if it can be seen or heard, it can be captured and reproduced. DRM is nothing but a pain for the end user and does nothing to prevent the real copyright infringement issues(Just slows it down a bit, but not by much, relatively).
In response to Pyro_dragons
To start off the E3 showing, in my opinion, was the worst all they did was show a little box...altho im getting all 3 systems(been saving up for a long while).I think its pointless to argue over something that hasnt even came into exsistence to us dont know what kind of, i guess one could say, power each one of the systems have these news letters and websites sometimes are irrelevent in the sense that sometimes they tend to do not no what each system features are untill the system acually comes to done with this..
In response to Pyro_dragons
Pyro_dragons wrote:
... 2.They're copycats with motion sensor (I know its different but still).

'Mommy Mommy, I ran out of a burning building, then Tommy did, you should ground him for copying me.'

A good idea is a good idea is a good idea. If it makes the games more fun, who cares who they got inspration from? This also opens up new abilitys for cross platform games, as to where any game that would want to have tilt would have to:
A. Develop soley for the Wii, or
B. Build a special control for other systems.

Also, for those of you who say that Sony stole the annalog stick from Nintendo, did the PC not have analog sticks first? You might have heard of them, most people call them "Joy sticks". On that note, PC developers must have stole the idea from the Government with their crazy joystick controlled aircraft. Yes, Nintendo put it on a console first, but they where not the first to have an external controller, so wouldn't that make them copycats of another company?
In response to Loduwijk
Some things don't have to be said. Heck, inferring what he was to do with it also should come to mind automatically.
In response to PirateHead
Blu-Ray not necessarily slower (though very well could be and probably is), and you don't have to give in to Microsoft. It is a choice you make, just like the choice you make of buying a console. If you don't like Windows, use a different OS. Some people seem to like Mac, and Liux is free.
In response to Scoobert
I beleive the 360 also has support for HDDVD, but I'm not sure. I actually don't even know if it's been released yet.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Microsoft has expressed intensions to release an exterior(from what I heard) HD-DVD drive if they feel it becomes necessary.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Critical wrote:
Chances are slowdowns are going to be that noticable, normally they put the games on quality disks so that slowdown is not noticable

I'm not following you here. Normally "Slowdowns" are caused by hardware not being able to keep up with software. The idea of pre-loading is so that you don't have to worry about the bottle neck of discs and disks. The quality of the disks shouldn't have anything to do with the speed at which the game runs, but rather weather it runs now and runs in 2 years.

They released an XBOX 360 dvd firmware hack that allowed people to run DVD backups of games. Using 4x and 2x disks created longer loading times in some games and also created slowdowns in some games
In response to Critical
To be honest with you, i believe that people who are accusing Sony of copying other ideas are just plain stupid. In the marketing world, if your product is going to succeed well then it will if it has EVERYTHING the other top products have AND more. Who gives a crap if they came up with an idea, doesn't mean that other companies shouldn't use it. Having the motion sensor on the PS3 may be copied from Wii, but it's going to make a lot of people sway their choices if they were buying Wii due to the motion sensor. Honestly, they want their product to have everything that Nintendo and Microsoft have PLUS more, stop accusing them of friggen copying.
In response to Game sabre
Game sabre wrote:
To be honest with you, i believe that people who are accusing Sony of copying other ideas are just plain stupid. In the marketing world, if your product is going to succeed well then it will if it has EVERYTHING the other top products have AND more. Who gives a crap if they came up with an idea, doesn't mean that other companies shouldn't use it. Having the motion sensor on the PS3 may be copied from Wii, but it's going to make a lot of people sway their choices if they were buying Wii due to the motion sensor. Honestly, they want their product to have everything that Nintendo and Microsoft have PLUS more, stop accusing them of friggen copying.

I agree 100% with you. Sony has been copied for years, why can't they do it back. It's the smart thing to do. Xbox 360 copied the EyeToy from Sony, and now Sony is copying the Xbox Live (but it will be free). Xbox 360 also copied the PS2/PS1's 4 shoulder buttons. Xbox 1 copied the buttons from Nintendo (A, B, X, Y, L, R), those were first on Super Nintendo. So why don't I see any one accusing Microsoft for copying?
In response to Y2kEric
Y2kEric wrote:
and now Sony is copying the Xbox Live (but it will be free).

Wrong! Microsoft did not invent the internet, nor did they invent a system to streamline consoles syncing with the internet(Dreamcast/Gamespy anyone). This idea has been around for ages, as long as there was networking, there was a basic form of games and content distribution using it. Just like motion sensors, the technology has been around forever, and been used in the gaming industry for a long time now, but not put into mass usage untill this generation of consoles. They arn't stealing anything. If they where, Nintendo would have legal grounds to sue.
i agree dont buy it get a wii
In response to Alathon
Alathon wrote:
I'm going to try and bold this, apparently I'm not making the point I'm trying to make clear enough:

I understand what you're saying perfectly fine. NOw here's what I'm saying: I'm not talking about the quality of just the system itself. My whole part in this thread has been about the overall quality of the experience when using the system, not the quality of the system in and of itself. That's all I was trying to say in the paragraphs where I'm talking about game quality being a valid argument.

If I were talking only about the quality of the system, then sure; other game developers, price, add-ons or lack thereof, support... then all that would be meaningless. But that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm not talking about the quality of the system, the quality of Sony, or anything of that nature. I'm talking about the overal quality of the experience the game player has with video game systems, which includes all other mentioned topics as subtopics of itself.
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