Wow, I almost want to get that at work... just to see our 20 or so networked printers go crazy... but that would be wrong.
In response to Scoobert
I'm almost waiting for the 'Ya, Rly' virus to get reported.
In response to Hazman
I'm presently working on the "No wai!" virus.
In response to PirateHead
Do this in VB:
Dim prompts(3) As String
Dim prompt As Byte

Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Interval = 15000
Me.Visible = False
prompts(0) = "O rly?"
prompts(1) = "Ya rly"
prompts(2) = "No wai!"
prompt = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
MsgBox prompts(prompt)
prompt = prompt + 1
If prompt >= 3 Then prompt = 0
End Sub

Then just put a timer on the form and compile. Put it in your startup folder.