SatansSpawn (I think that was they key, sorry if I forgot!) invited me here from the DWIV boards.

So, uh, how goes it?

Any tips/tricks on the BYOND language?
The ultimate tip for the BYOND language: the F1 key! It opens a complete and searchable reference to the BYOND language, which will make programming with it very easy if you've got an understanding of the syntax and general programming practices.

Welcome from GameFAQs! It's a great site, and I expect that when the BYOND crew here has more high-calibre games to show and a better overall product to show (BYOND Version 4 is coming out soon, with many enormous improvements) we'll be pushing BYOND there. There are a lot of people who want to make their own little world on the Interwebs, and that's why BYOND is here!

Make yourself at home, play (somewhat) nice on the forums, definitely respect administrators and other BYONDers, and generally follow the forum rules you're used to on GameFAQs. Our forum search will give you lots of information when you need help, there's a full DM guide and DM book and DM reference avaliable online, there are dozens of good tutorials, and there's the (occasionally) loving forum community that really does like to answer good questions.

Welcome BYOND!
Gumshoe wrote:
SatansSpawn (I think that was they key, sorry if I forgot!) invited me here from the DWIV boards.

So, uh, how goes it?

Pretty good.

Any tips/tricks on the BYOND language?

Not really. BYOND's language is pretty simple and straightforward. It's probably one of the easiest ones you'll find anywhere. If you know the basics, you can put out simple games so fast that you've finished them before you realise you were almost done.
Image Hosted by

Welcome! I hope your stay is enjoyable and productive. =)
In response to Kujila
Wait...why did you show an image of text art? Would it not make more sinse to just put the text uo here? You have completely confused me.
In response to Scoobert
Google image search. :D

Also your chair somehow ended up in the front room of the YTMND house.... errr...

In response to Kujila

*back on topic*

Welcome, and enjoy your time here!
In response to Kujila
Don't know how that happened >.>

I was watching Shawn of the dead, untill the stream messed up and it started over.
Gumshoe wrote:
SatansSpawn (I think that was they key, sorry if I forgot!) invited me here from the DWIV boards.

So, uh, how goes it?

Any tips/tricks on the BYOND language?

Hello again my furry friend... Wait... you aren't furry... are you?

Anyways, what's up? Good to see that you actually came to the site. Hope you like it, I certainly have been enjoying it since I started back in '01... Good luck with all your projects, and I hope to see from you soon.

P.S. My game is currently being hosted here.

agh LUE, be gone <_< (is not a RI person) hi welcome to byond ^_^ tips that I got told, read all the resources, look and learn from the demos, look and learn from the libraries, start small with a game or you will never get to finish it, dont make a dbz or naruto (sp) game (please lol), make sure when you post
that everyone can read it (even if you have poor english like me), the ancients (older byond members) most likly will help you but they have sharp claws <_< so use the search first.

hope that helps :P
have fun and be safe on byond.