Top 10 ways to destroy the earth!
But yeah, it'd take a ton of energy, all except for #10. we can all do that. (Well, maybe you can do #6 in your backyard)
But it's realy funny.
My favorite (direct qutoe) #10 (10th most likely): Total Existence Failure You will need: nothing Method: No method. Simply sit back and twiddle your thumbs as, completely by chance, all 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000 atoms making up the planet Earth suddenly, simultaneously and spontaneously cease to exist. Note: the odds against this actually ever occurring are considerably greater than a googolplex to one. Failing this, some kind of arcane (read: scientifically laughable) probability-manipulation device may be employed. That's one we can all try. The best thing is, we can be trying our hardest to destroy the earth and still be at absolutely no risk of actually destroying something. --Vito |
Still, if it fuses hydrogen until it is mostly out then initiates a helium fusion reaction because of the increased preassure sustained when it collapses due to gravity, when it again expands because of the helium fusion wouldn't it then lose the preassure and stop the helium fusion? It seems logical that an increased outward preassure combined with the necessity of just the opposite of that to sustain it would not create a stable and ongoing reaction.
I am finding information that seems to support this notion, that red giants end up exploding because of the instability caused by these more complex nuclear reactions, but wouldn't that suggest that red giants have very short life spans? But then I thought the red giant count in the galaxy was high.
Maybe I should just wait until I take physics in a couple semesters.
Although I don't like most of your ideas on politics, I agree that physics is great and more important than politics anyway. Maybe we can continue discussing elsewhere sometime - I think plenty of people would like that anyway as this is going way off topic and bloating this section of the forum beyond need. In fact, I think I might change the topic of my blog for this, as I haven't had the time to give its current topic much use lately anyway.