By all English rules the double-quotes are right.
Really? I was under the impression that ' was used for instances such as 'plugins' and " was used when quoting- if someone (or something) else had said plugins, you'd be referring to that using ".
Unless I misread him correctly and he was talking about '' == " or something.
I saw some people say no but the truth is yes some are better then others but even if you have a crappy one as long as it works you have no reason to update or upgrade it and you sure as hell dont want to try.
Some bio's work better then other ones for many reasons but its based on the motherboard. I myself and running a dual bio's motherboard atm. You see some bios have bugs and dont carry and handle info as well as others. Then again this is also based on the motherboard and what not. I myself upgraded to a dif bios right after install the motherboard because the one I had lacked alot of support in some areas and was slow.... Then again this same bio's might be painfully slow for your motherboard if it works at all if you dont have the same thing as me.
Some versions of bio's have options and stuff that others dont again its just based on versions and hardware support. :P So to put it simply yes some can be better then others but no you shouldnt try and upgrade it and test. Why?? Simple you could burn out ur bio chip and then have no computer :D