Seeing some of the videos, it looks like it plays alot like RO. Has anyone played the other versions and not mind giving a short review?
Jul 22 2006, 10:34 am
Heh, I've been keepin an eye on it myself. I plan to be named MechaJDI on it. But try going to, they provide like a basic rundown.
In response to Kujila
Also, this game is a lot of fun. It's a shame the english version keeps getting delayed. |
In response to Tem
Bump again. The game is finally up. Of course, so many people are playing that the chances of you logging into the server aren't too high...
In response to Tem
Have you joined tem? Whats your ign?
In response to Nesso
Any in-game screenshots? Not hocus-pocus art to make it all look good?
How do I download this game? Do I get Trickster Launcher, Full Version or 5 download packets?
In response to Mysame
Sort of a big download, but the game does look fun.
In response to Mysame
The site Mecha Destroyer JD posted has some screenshots, and there's videos on youtube.
In response to Nesso
How big is the download? I've been downloading it for awhile.
In response to Tazor07
Don't you have to like, pay for play? That's what I've been told :P
In response to Madow
The download is like 2.5 gigs.
The game is free, but has a cash shop option. |
Tried to sign up, got a message saying "blocked by webmaster" =(
Edit: Nevermind, it wanted me to fill in all of the questions for the survey type thing (I answered all but the "What service are you most interested in?" coz I didn't know what it was on about XD;) Now to wait for the download (god it's slow D=) Edit2: I think it's just patching now - btw, my friends joining, not me. I spend too much time in games dead to bother anymore =D Keep an eye out for "Kitini"...permitting no-ones pinched her name yet XD (has happened before =o) |