(See the best response by Nadrew.)

Problem description:
Before I went here I went to the original Programmer and longtime developer of the Byond community, and not even he could answer this question, so brace yourself.

For my game, I want to craft that of a system that you buy X amount of credits off the Hub via credit card as if subscription. And use said credits to spend in the acutual game. Think of it how mmorpgs work, where you buy Credits in the real world and then spend said credits in a special shop in said game.

Now my friend who has a grand amount of experience in Byond had -no- idea how to approach this. So if someone could shed some light on this on how they would program / carry this act out would help me and them substantially.

Byond's Gangsta
Best response
There's literally a system made for this exact purpose built into the subscription system. Look up 'PayCredits()', 'AddCredits()', and 'GetCredits()' in the language reference.

Byond's Gangsta
*Read's Topic Title*
*Reading post then "brace yourself"*

*Read first response*

True lol (or at least expressed mirth).