This is a "one day special offer of WinRAR 3.51 non upgradeable version for free."
Isn't the trial version usable indefinitely?

Edit: May I ask where you got that link? Winrar is at, not Besides, nothing is loading up for me.

Edit2: Okay, it loaded on IE. You're late because the date it says it's valid was a day before you ever posted this.
In response to Sarm
Sarm wrote:
Isn't the trial version usable indefinitely?

Edit: May I ask where you got that link? Winrar is at, not Besides, nothing is loading up for me.

if you check the "partnership" link on the left of you will see that it's the "International WinRAR Website".

Edit2: Okay, it loaded on IE. You're late because the date it says it's valid was a day before you ever posted this.

oh I see, lol "Sunday (July 28 should be 30th), 2006 from 00:00 until 24:00 CET ONLY". Anyway it is active thats why the site is slow. the signup form was not there before sunday CET.