Ive been on byond for quite some time now making game's and what not and you people cant even reply to one of my posts come on now if you people were in need i would of replied to ya'll...But i guess people cant always get what they want...Well time for what the people of byond want to see..
Post here what you would like to see happen to byond im sure the byond makers will find some topics interesting and nice to look forward to reading...
Aug 10 2006, 4:25 pm
-too busy to help
-can't help you
-not interested
You can't expect somebody to be at your every need cuz they (we) aren't obliged to do it. If the only way you can seem to get something done is for you to do it, then do it no matter how badly it may suck. Besides that, there's already a section of the forums dedicated to the point of this trhead.