Okay, Sony said they had big plans for monday right...
Well today it is currently monday, and the biiiig news was a pink ps2... WTF
And they even admitted they didnt even start on ps3 production yet!!
I believe sony is going to have a hard time this gen...
![]() Aug 21 2006, 9:15 am (Edited on Aug 21 2006, 9:21 am)
I think it looks quite nice, actually. And I hate pink, so no "but your a girl" arguments =P
I was more interested in the story to one side - Sony lost a case, where they were trying to get a tax rebuttal on the PS2 by saying it was computer, not a console. THAT's digging a grave, not recolouring the PS2. I didn't read it properly, but I think they have to pay more money than they did to begin with now. Poor Sony... |
GITS-Motoko wrote:
Xaunux wrote: Here--> http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=144796 |
It is just a color, how stupid are you. All they have to do is change the PS2 color scheme. It dosen't take that much work and if doesn't sell well, they didn't lose that much money anyways.
I think it's a good idea. I know many girls that would buy it over a black PS2, however, they probably would have bought the black one anyways.
You can all ready get diffrent colored PS2s. You just void the hell out of the warnaty. PS2 custom color cases. Yes your PS2 can even be transparent!
Kunark wrote:
I think it's a good idea. I know many girls that would buy it over a black PS2, however, they probably would have bought the black one anyways. It may (or may not- PS2 is ages old =( ) be a good idea but it's certainly not an original one. Remember that pink DS that was released just a few months ago? |
This is more or less a sign that the gaming industury understands that not only guys play video games but girls too.
Dark_Shadow_Ninja wrote:
This is more or less a sign that the gaming industury understands that not only guys play video games but girls too. And everyone knows that girls are into pink. |
I never said that. I was attempting to say that industry giants(Sony Nintendo and Microsoft) are trying to make it seem more appealing to them. I am saying that they are showing that they do reconginze that girls do play video games. Also to the industry all girls are into pink. Just like they are all into being helpless and can't do anything. (Few games have a female lead, and some of those have girls that are nothing more than helpless and can't do anything. They also tend to inflate the size of their chest, so to say) I am in no way trying to sterotype anybody.
It's less about wanting to appeal to female gamers, more just a quick, cheap bid at beating a dead horse so much that it's controllers start to fall off.
Yeah. If they were really out to capture the female market they'd be working on getting some stronger titles that appeal to girls who play games. Ie, Perfect Dark was a great game with a female lead, Barbie's Superfun Seahorse Adventure is something pink aimed at the parents/grandparents of little girls.
Although when it comes down to it females can enjoy games with male leads and almost no female characters on the same basis they can enjoy a movie without any females. If you're interested in the plot and gameplay it doesn't really matter what sex the lead is (unless it's something like Tomb Raider where they're using it to sell the game). If they were even half serious about generating female interest they'd be committing to pink PS3 controllers instead of trying to re-sell them PS2s at the end of it's life. |
It's a universal truth that a game packed with one sex always sells really well with the other sex. And I'm not just talking about DOA Volleyball... there's always been a solid female following of games like Zelda, has there not?
I know the only reason I'm getting SSB:Brawl is for Samus Zero Suit... *she's so dreamy* *edit* That said that pink PS2 looks really awesome. :P |
I couldn't find where they said, "I'm sorry everyone, but we haven't started on PS3."
Please show me.
Thank you,
Autumn Rowe