![]() Aug 25 2006, 4:57 pm
If i put the copywright at the bottom of my games hub does byond allow it to have effect? lets say some breaks a rule of my copywright such as ripping and leaking my "original" icons would byond take action like they have for Axerobs Way of The Shinobi ?
Copyright © 2025 BYOND Software.
All rights reserved.
Everything you create is automatically copyrighted. Every time you paint a picture, or write a story, or create a game, you automatically hold copyright over your creation. Putting a copyright notice on it doesn't change anything; all it does is remind people of your pre-existing copyright. It carries no legal weight.
Dantom doesn't get involved in ripping disputes regardless. They're just too difficult and time-consuming to police.
FYI, you have to be very careful when claiming copyright on a fan game, because technically most or all fan games infringe the copyright of the copyright holder, which in DBZ's case is FUNimation - I'm not sure who the copyright holder for Naruto is but I'm sure someone can fill you in on that. This is also why you're not allowed to charge money for fan games.
My advice? Don't bother putting a copyright notice on your hub entry. There's no point doing so.