I love BYOND and I am not one to complain about nothing but I have noticed that very few of the games on the hub are up to date and almost all of the updated games are not on any of the hub game channels. This is not fair to the people who pay money for a membership and spend hours designing games and its definatly not helping BYOND any. Like I said I'm not trying to be rude or complain but I would love to see game reviews start happening and some new games on the game channels, if you agree with me on this let it be known.
I find it amusing that you posted this right after the release of Beta 6.

Now, Horksy, here's the problem - NOTHING is going on ANY of the hub channels any more, because the whole system is changing - channels and all are going poof. You can still find the new-ish games, quite easily. That's what the pager is for. That's what members pages and profiles are for. That's what the hub listing is for.

It's very much worth $15 US a year. Honestly, just because you have paid Dantom for a service - which you are clearly receiving - doesn't mean they become your slaves and have to make BYOND wiz-bang-flash exactly how you'd like it. Funnily enough, they also have to eat. They're working full time jobs and working on BYOND in any spare time they get - that is to say, not much. Don't expect things to fly along.
In response to Jp
I didn't say that I want to starve them or make them slaves, I'm just pointing out that most of the games that are being active and in develpoment are not on the channels.
In response to Hork
But the point he tried to make was that the entire Channel system is going away... It is being replaced by a new (hopefully better) system that is still in its first few steps right now (so it isn't fully functional yet)

Channel reviews aren't being done at all because of this... (no use plugging away with a system that's going to be phased out)
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
That's all well and good, but people have been complaining about this for about, what? 6 months or more?

At least make the existing system work until the new one is ready!

But meh, I don't mind it at all..