I am taking Computer sciences in school this year but i am not shure if it will help me with coding on BYOND or confuse me more. I am aware that the coding on BYOND is basicly as simple as it gets but i am still playing around with some of BYONDs codes as i have not exactly mastered it yet but i am hoping to do so in the future. Yes i have read all the guides but i am not one of those people who learn by reading all that good, i am a hands on person but i am hoping to catch on quickly.

I would like your thoughts if you think that computer sciences is going to be the right choice for me.
What grade are you going into? If you're in middle school or high school it should help you. If you're going into college and you picked computer science as your major... then I think you picked the wrong major.
If you understand everything in the computer science class, then yes it will help you. Although programming languages all have different specific syntax, they follow the same general programming philosophies (well, most do anyway)

Of course, this is assuming the computer science class is serious. Some computer classes for people still in high school are junk classes that are a waste of time. If it is a serious class and you understand it, then you will be able to understand Byond nicely.

Oh, I am also making the assumption that they teach you about object-oriented programming. If they don't get into any object-oriented programming, the transfer still might be a bit confusing at first, but it will at least be easier if you understand all the procedural stuff. For example, if they teach you QBasic (some actually still do), you will probably not get any object-oriented programming. If you don't get an OOP language, don't fret, as you will still benefit from it; without the procedures the objects do nothing, and the procedures are what a lot of people around Byond seem to have problems with.
In response to Loduwijk
well, simply put, if you wanna get "better" with byond coding, you should take a few courses in Middle school and or high school courses, i took a grade 10 "Visual Basic" programing Course, and spent (since i was about 11 when i first heard about it, about 5 years ago) was RPG maker (its still a programing language and teaches you the basics of Variables!!!)

read a few tutorials and just put alott of effort and paitence into it, might take you a year or two, but if you REALLY REALLY REALLY try hard you can do it!

...but trust me...ive been making games for over 5 years and theres still alott i need to learn (Im going to Toronto's ATT Tech School to learn how to make games with 3 Dimensions! wooooooo)