I have a few ideas for byond games if there are any programmers looking to start up a new project. I myself am already working on something but i'd love to see these ideas made into Byond games. I may still work on them in the future but if you see something interesting feel free to use it.
- Final Fantasy Tactics-ByonD
a version of the playstation version. Turn based strategy with upgradeable classes and learnable skills. When your not in combat you move around on the map. A reworked level and armor system to even things out since there will b PVP.
An idea inspired by capcom's Demon's Crest for the SNES
demons who battle over pieces of a mystical crest to become supreme demon lord.
![]() Aug 31 2006, 9:55 am
![]() Aug 31 2006, 11:32 am
Why don't you just give us a list of games to remake on BYOND? These "Ideas" are just you saying, "Hey, you should make these games!"
I'm actually considering a Final Fantasy Tactics game as one of my next projects, using my isometric engine. Problems:
- BYOND is currently too slow to have it work well. It would be incredibly slow to display, even for a turn-based game. - It would be quite difficult to get any decent animations in. - I can't draw. :( - You would have to use the FFT:A 'death' system rather then FFT's, unless you want players to lose half their good units every time they fight another player. Without the ability to restore from saves, FFT's death system is basically infinite frustration, and a good deal more throwing-computer-out-window-anger. - I'd have to modify my isometric engine to allow rotations (Which isn't massively difficult, but involves drawing masses of icons. Welcome to massive-RSC-before-sounds-land!) |
well actually i was thinking.
have animations for attacks in all directions. since it's PVP. you roam around the map until a fight ensues. at which time movement is restricted to 1 square and one action for everytime your movement meter charges. Whoever has more speed gets options to take action first. so far in essense its like a regular beyond game but when you get in range of an enemy or group of enemies your movement and actions are set to delay based on your speed. As far as where the battles are waged... on the actual MAP. your character on the map. different states, such as facing north south etc. Then the attack option based on what weapon they use. ok.. verbs for any skills they know., effects. As far as dying goes, I was thinking have a "sacred spot" like setting up a respawn point so when you die you leave the battle and show back up at ur respawn. i was also thinking of having Parties, so u could participate in battles together. does any of this sound doable? maybe we just thought of it two different ways i draw pretty well. im gonna do the graphics for my game. |
because all of my ideas arent remakes.
the idea based off demon's crest is actually way different than the actual game demon's crest. as well as many other games. it's not a remake. it's inspired by. theres a difference |
oh yea as far as death goes.
say you did have a unit. *i was thinking just your character kinda roaming about and if u had any "units" they would be human party members* but you mentioning that gives me an idea. a resurrection shrine. say you have a unit*which could be hired help or say a chocobo* when or if that unit dies you rerceive an essence. take that essence to a restoration shrine and you revive the unit. i was also thinking. you know how they have the zodiac stones in FFT well... how bout making them usable items? there supposed to be powerful and that would make lots of players value possessing them. give each possessor different strengths, or new attacks maybe. i dunno i want to go to college for making videogames soon. as far as programming goes im just starting but its coming along. but what do you think? |
and it would need isometrics to be done properly :( Hopefully in the next few updates there will be other ways to try graphics acceleration. Maybe change framrates and such?
It's a pretty thought. |
Jp said:
- BYOND is currently too slow to have it work well. It would be incredibly slow to display, even for a turn-based game. - It would be quite difficult to get any decent animations in. Enter BYOND-flash technology! Sadly it can't help you with your inability to draw. =P |
Heres a suggestion!
Go on bit torrent (shush i know this is illegal) Download a PS1 Emulator, and Bit Torrent the rom, when the game loads, Rip EVERY icon and graphic you can see, Mainly Sprites, to save time with ripping, do color edits with the same icon (IE rip the first 8 basic classes, such as the Squire, Chemist, Knight, Archer, Monk, Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage) (FFT on the PS Doesnt have a Red mage, i suggest ripping it from FFTA, no ones gonna notice ;) ) then re-color it to about the 4 different colors, i suggest Blue, Red, Green, and Yellow (not a fan of yellow go with White or black, and if you know how to use your pallette right you can make these icons with a few quick easy rips) The sprites them selves would be a bitch, since theres going to be certain states, You can have an Attacking, a Damage, a Magic casting a Death and a Weak State for EVERY class. Think ahead before you start ripping. Another suggestion when ripping the graphic is if the emultaor will let you slow the frame rate down so you can rip it quick, and even let you pause when ever. My Nes Rom lets me do that but its pretty useless since its Nes XD Works Quite well actually, ive messed around ripping Leon from RE2 Dual Shock Edition. remeber PRNT SCRN is your best friend, find it hug it, kiss it, maybe have a little bit of (okay stopping before i get in trouble) in terms of code, you can keep it incredibly basic, ive played through FFt about 3-4 Times and i can say the damage moduels would be the easiest to replicate, (IE HP - Damage, damage would be Attack + whatever) or if you wanna play it safe, get ahold of a nice hacker/cracker, who can go into your rom and look at the damage formulas, or check game faqs for a specific FAQ that tells you how Square soft (now Square Enix) did it (ive seen this for FF5 and did it for my FF5 Fan game a while back, and truth be told, the formula was either really close and the closest you can get) one thing id suggest though for anyone whos serious about making an Final Fantasy Tactics fan game, would be to find a way to make all the classes balenced and fair, allow one player to have say 4 NPC's which would be thier "clan" and they can team up with other players or go against them, ect ect. But, As ive said, MANY...MANY...and MANY MANY MANY people would love this game, and i know i would and alott of my buddies, probably the 3rd best thing to go online (exceptions Resident Evil and an Online Dragon Quest 8 that doesnt charge monthly and does NOT change the ways) The Turfs will be quite hard, and you'll have to do it so you cannot turn the camera angles, if you do it like that the game will be alott easier to code and rip graphically. I think a little sacrifices and work it could work, code wise and mapping wise, you better have a TON of fucking paitence, or you'll get no where. And dont ask me to help yah cause im saving an FFT project till i know byond like i know the back of my hand. |
I can do isometric. I can't do the full 3D ground isometric stuff in BYOND, but tile-based stuff is easy-peasy.
First, bittorrent is not illegal. PS emulators aren't illegal. Roms, however, are illegal. As is stealing those graphics.
I absolutely REFUSE to use stolen graphics in any way, shape, or form, ever. Not even for a fangame. Second, that doesn't get around the fact that doing animations would be difficult. 4.0 might make it a little easier, with the OpenGL-ness, but that's about it. Third, still massively slow. |
i thought of that.
but its ok if i get done with my project anytime soon i will more than likely try one of the two projects i mentioned as a next project. |
SuperAntx wrote:
Why doesn't someone finally make a school game that involves "cool points?" |
Wow you actually replied to Silent Sage that is a -2 on intelligence nah jay kay.
I play ALOT of games either at a friends house or my area's recreational center or whatever they call it but still I am a gamer so most ideas from games I previously played will be going on a .rtf file. |
PS emulators aren't illegal. If you're thinking of Epsxe, there's one piece to the emulator that is illegal as well, from what I've heard. The Bios file. I don't mean to be a nitpick about it, but I just wanted to throw that out there in case you or someone else didn't know. |
Ah, but it doesn't come with the BIOS file - it just hooks into it. You need to get the BIOS from somewhere else.
bittorent its self isnt illegal but that idea is
bittorent can be used for legal things ie sending a story/mp3/program you made via torent around |