ID:184505 AS_FIN_COM_Japan_Sony_PlayStation.php

According to this article They are going to have 400,000 consoles in North America and 100,000 in japan.

And for Pal Regions, they are delayed till March.

This is bad news for sony, and the bad thing is I alrdy had enough for Pre-Order, If I can't get one at launch, Im just going to buy a 360 and Wii, I waited and waited, and Sony Un-delivers the expected number. I am very dissappointed in Sony for lieing there asses off this year...

And for 100,000 in Japan?? Is Sony Stupid?
Well us europeans will lose out as much as the rest of the world even more than North America and Japan Since they coulden't produce enough.
In response to Yorae
Less PS3s != Losing out
Well i guess this is going to be a repeat of the 360 launch because it was hard to find a 360 anywhere when it launched.
Less PS3s = More money for me over Ebay >:)
Yeah, I'm a big Sony fanboy, and this kinda ticked me off. Really badly.
Two words.

Sales. Gimmick.
PS3 really needed everything they could take advantage of this time around; this could possibly be their failure..
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Sony has been slipping alot latley no one noticed till now?
Xaunux wrote:
I am very dissappointed in Sony for lieing there asses off this year...

Only this year? It's a good thing you apparently haven't been watching Sony before this year, or you'd be more disappointed than you already are.

"This year," heh, that was funny.
They still plan on having 6 million out by March. I am guessing that there will be a bunch released to the US and Japan over the 4 months between release and the March date. Why is it that all the fanboys for the other systems love to claim that "Sony is going to fail" every time the same thing that has happened to every Sony and Microsoft system in the past happens. When will fanboys learn that there is a market for all three consoles, at the same time.
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
When will fanboys learn that there is a market for all three consoles, at the same time.

When pigs fly of their own biological ability.
The same kind of thing happened when they released the PS2. This doesn't really surprise me.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Yeah, and the PS2 wasn't exacly unsuccessfuly, it had a pretty wide range of good titles.
In response to Loduwijk
That is far too true...

/me gets on genetically altering pigs so that they can fly.
In response to Danial.Beta
When will non-fanboys learn to take that fence out of their arses? =p
In response to Elation
When people learn to stop making fun of fanboys lol XD
In response to Yami_Marik0
In response to Elation
First of all, how can you people assume im a Fan boy,

I have snes, sega genisis, sega dream cast, xbox, ps2, xbox 360, ps1...

you and your assumptions..
In response to Xaunux
Because everytime something happens you seem to right here complaining, or hooraying.
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