In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
It is up to the game developer to charge for items on there games like GT, not sony. Sony offers online play free on there end of it. It is the developers that are choosing to charge. And I was saying if you wanted EVERY car and EVERY track it would cost as much as the console. And it is including GT5, which is due in 2008. There might be a few tweaks here and there, but that is the general idea, and that is only one game. Not all games will be like that but again, that is up to them the developers, not Sony.

Yeah Sony does have some original titles at launch but not much of a selection. Also the format the games are in, Blu-Ray are vulnerable to damage. The information is only located like .01 mm under neath the protecting covering. That and blu-ray as far as movies is not doing to hot either, granted its the beginning of the so called "format wars" HD-DVD is MUCh cheaper for the same quality (I've seen comparisons many times) That and they recently figured out how to store different formats on one disk in layers. HD-DVD if they decide to, they might put DVD on one side, and HD on the other. If they do this, they will gain massive advantage over Blu-Ray more then they already seem to be doing because people can buy the DVD and then if they convert to HD, they don't have to go out and re-buy the movie in HD format, just flip the disk.

In other words, I'm not nessesarly saying the PS3 is crap. It is an impressive machine, but I prefer Xbox 360 based off of my knowledge and even the community environment (the message boards for both systems)
lol ps3 i feel sorry for you
In response to Hydrocrush
Hydrocrush wrote:
lol ps3 i feel sorry for you

This is a pretty good post!
In response to Partner420
Well, You ppl made my mind up, when I get the PS3, im putting it on ebay.. >.>

I already got a 360, and im loving it... mmmm cheese burgers
In response to Xaunux
Xaunux wrote:
Well, You ppl made my mind up, when I get the PS3, im putting it on ebay.. >.>

So I'm assuming you have one pre-ordered? If not, forget it and wait for the PS4 =)
In response to Stealth 2k
Also the format the games are in, Blu-Ray are vulnerable to damage.

Blu-Ray isn't a format, it's simply a new type of disk that is read and written a different way. HD and DVD aren't formats either. <_<

Formats would be MPEG-4, WMV, AVI, and the new VC-9. Just so you know, the PS3 will probably be the cheapest BluRay player you will be able to find (based on what I've heard. they say BluRay players will cost around $1000.) You could always buy an HDDVD for less.
In response to Nishiatsu
The GT games have great graphics and GREAT gameplay. Some people do find it a bit slow paced, but I find it fun to build a racing career. I do admit that graphics are only one part of a game, but they are important. "Good Graphics" can mean a lot. I would say that Mario for the NES has good graphics. Sure, they are far from as advanced as games these days, but they where solid and good. The PS3 offers power and filespace. Both of which are important in content rich games. I don't just mean graphical power, I mean power to do other things. Things like physics are hard for consoles because they have lacked the raw power needed to compute everything that needs to be. The PS3 will have that power.

Good gameplay is important, but graphics are a part of gameplay. I have disliked games solely on bad graphics. That is why DreamSeeker isn't text only.
In response to Xaunux
What! Why? Why even bother preordering? You let others choose your decisions for you? </3
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Still going for Nintendo's system, the Wii. The cheapest, and a brand new concept for gameplay. I love it!
In response to Partner420
The Wii is going to be sexy. a_med_wii_controller.jpg

I hope they will be selling controllers like that. I know what the official controllers look like, so don't flame me, but I'd think it'd be nice to get a controller like that so we don't all develop carpal tunnel based on how tiny the official controller is.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
The Wii is going to be sexy. a_med_wii_controller.jpg

I hope they will be selling controllers like that. I know what the official controllers look like, so don't flame me, but I'd think it'd be nice to get a controller like that so we don't all develop carpal tunnel based on how tiny the official controller is.

Yeah thats the classic controller for $19.99 USD. Also, in some games like DBZ Tenkaichi 2, they allow you to play with either the remote or the GC controller(someone even mentioned being anxious to see a wiimote vs. gc battle). This can solve some of problems of getting another controller for a friend to play. :D
In response to Stealth 2k
When will Sony realize that they overused the term Playstation?
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Yes, the Wii WILL kick ass. That controller is awesome for the classic games and such, but I just love the little remote. It's a step-up for video games. Everyone was all hyped up on the consoles ALL being wireless and all Nintendo did was take that one step further and show what a real Next-Gen system should be. Virtual Reality. It's all just a step closer to a virtual reality world for games.
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
No I would want a few tracks, but there are a lot of tracks I can't stand to drive in.

I'd wager you'd still need them. I'm assuming online play is a big factor in the game, so odds are you're not going to be able to play in some tournaments without buying tracks you don't even want.
In response to Dead_Demon
Probably when they same time Nintendo realised it? (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, N64, Yes I am also aware these are the American names)
In response to Stealth 2k
Stealth 2k wrote:
I'd bet money microsoft gains control of the game industry.

Just look at this servey of what the game companies want to make games the most for. You'll change you mind real fast. I'd have to say though its sad that microsoft's 360 is the lowest ranked, I like the Xbox awhole lot better than anything playstation has come out with. I thinks is mostly just fans holding on to their last bit of hope. I'm sure with PS3's high price and small collection of "must have games" it will be at the bottom. Microsoft will come in at second, and of course the Wii will be #1 by far, for its cheep price and innotive gameplay. Go nintendo.
In response to FriesOfDoom
FriesOfDoom wrote:
Just look at this servey of what the game companies want to make games the most for. You'll change you mind real fast.

Not really. You've missed one very important part. This is a survey of the developers. They're just saying 'yeah, the Wii gives us a heap of cool stuff to play around with, I'd love to make something for it'. It's new and interesting so of course developers are going to want to play with it.
The thing is it's pretty rare for a commercial developer to get paid to work on their dream project. Most of the time the worlds greatest game just isn't a sound financial bet, so the people who decide what gets made choose the safer, less imaginitive games.

I'm not saying Nintendo wont re-gain their spot at the top of the hill, I'm just saying that this doesn't indicate that the companies want to make games for it.
In response to FriesOfDoom
I find it funny that both Microsoft and Sony agree that Wii will be second..Although they think their console is better, apparently they know the Wii won't plain suck..0_0
In response to Nadrew
it is worth the price that's why I pre-ordered. I'll be selling mine on e-bay for christmas season.

Secondly, it's a cheap blue-ray disc player that plays games, and has wi-fi capabilities. It's not as expensive as you think.
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