Hey guys,

Well I am just dropping in to say, "Hi." Seeing what was up/new with BYOND. Hopefully all of you guys are doing good. Whats the hot new game out? Whatever happened to MLAAS or HRH? Anyway, I'm a Sophmore in College now, just got a job with Cingular. So I'm doing decent for myself.... Anyway just showing some love to the boys(and girls) at BYOND!

MLAAS is still hosted, but it doesn't seem to draw the crowd like it used to. HRH got ended by Lexy, I believe for a generally ungrateful player-base (I could be dead wrong on that though).

I don't know when you disappeared(Although I did notice at some point that Sariat was missing), but members pages are booming and guilds are in affect. Besides those, life goes on as usual on BYOND.

Looking at your recent posts, you have been gone for around 3 months, and 2 months before that. So not much has changed in either of those time frames.
One word: Ultimatum. That's the new hot game. It's by Unknown Person.
In response to Danial.Beta
Well I'd say I've been in-active for about 2 years. Just mostly dropping in.
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
MLAAS is still hosted, but it doesn't seem to draw the crowd like it used to. HRH got ended by Lexy, I believe for a generally ungrateful player-base (I could be dead wrong on that though).

Nope, dead right. She correctly decided that developing a BYOND game like HRH was taking up a lot of her time. For someone who was aspiring to be a writer, not a game designer, time spent on BYOND was time wasted versus her true hobby.

There comes a time in almost everyone's BYOND development cycle where development goes from being fun to being work. When you reach that point, you either stop doing it, allow yourself to keep going and get frustrated by it, or decide to go commercial to get some material compensation for your years of work. She chose the first one.

She almost handed Hedgerow Hall off to a certain squirrel, but held that thought since she realised she didn't want to give up so much work to someone else. I don't blame her -- that squirrel had some pretty whacked out ideas in mind. ;-)

If you were already aware of all of that and just talking about the remake, then I have no idea! She said she'd be making a text-based MUD-like version and that's the last just about anyone heard on the subject. I could say that at least a few of the fans of the graphical version weren't too jittery about the thought of another Furcadia, though. =)