I think all keys from a range of 1 - 2 years old that hav not been active should be wiped you know because there are so many keys on byond and new players might not get the names they won't. when some other guy 5 years back made it and has never been on byond since.

Nice subject to think about :P
People think of this idea rather often, but it would cause problems down the line with mistaken identities and imposters.

For starters, people would be counting down the hours until the keyname Dan wore out. :P

It's a first come, first serve basis. Even without keys getting wiped from inactivity, some people still mistake others. I was asked several times if I was someone named Salarn before, and in another game there was an unholy trinity of Sarm, Saro and Spen. When all three of us began to talk, hoo boy...

Anyway, people have asked before, and the idea has been shot down. Sorry.
In response to Sarm
Ahh ok thanks for saying tho :P