ask us to help you on your byond game
currently working on our won ps2 game
I see nothing about a PS2 game there. Only an RPGXP game and a BYOND game, I think. Anyways... Multiplayer!=MMO. Massively Multiplayer Online=MMO.

In response to Exophus
I Meant I have the ps2 Kit in there
and i havent put pictures of the game yet
i dont know if i even should
i might get it stolen
and yea i noe MMO= massive multiplayer online
idk if its gonna be RPG or not
thats why i didnt put mmorpg
anyways im recruiting for people to join my team.
Just ask what you can do
In response to Arturoenriquez
Spellcheck is you friend...
In response to Shlaklava
Along with
not typing on multiple
lines just
In response to Popisfizzy
had to type that in a hurry
like this now
we're accepting team applications now
if you get the spot
u'll get the ps2 development kit sent to your house