Today I was browsing through some old forum post's and I came to the realization that I was an annoying person. And I look at my self today and right now and think about how far I have come from my neanderthalic coding, to trying to be organzied with original ideas. And so I say all that in hope that people sometimes will stop and think about how much they have matured.
Thanks For Reading..
Oct 29 2006, 6:25 am
Oct 29 2006, 7:20 am
Meh, this has been posted a couple times and of course we do think about it. In fact, I was so annoying when I first came here, that they used one of my posts as an example of how not to act..0_0
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
If anything, I think my posting got a lot worse as I got older. :o
Then I took a voluntary month off and I THINK I'm doing better I? |
In response to Sarm
Likewise but I think I am getting even worse :P Must be the fangames >.<
And I haven't seen you getting worse Sarm o_O - GhostAnime |
In response to GhostAnime
For the most part my involvement in the Byond Community has grown and relaxed and become strong and weakend. but all in all i have remained here. Although as it be right now I am fustrated because I am having trouble with making a custom turn based battle system its only difficult due to the simple fact of NPC's but o well. If you do a search for my key you will see how i have grown.
In response to GhostAnime
Oh snaps. When I came here, I couldn't type or spell worth a <font color="green">[darn]</font>. I was like...10. Now, I'm 16 and I'm still around. I'd say I've matured quite a bit..:p
<font color="green">[Message from Moderator: Apparently, if you're still using cuss words on a family-oriented forum, you still have a bit of maturing to do... --Jtgibson]</font> |