First of all... Hell no. Second of all... Who is goten rules..?

In response to Kunark
In response to CaptFalcon33035
No I don't grammar good :(
In response to Exophus
He told me he was the 2nd best coder on byond
In response to NightHound
Of course he is!
I am #1!

But, really, I am a flying spaghetti monster
In response to NightHound
NightHound wrote:
He told me he was the 2nd best coder on byond

Everything you read on the internet is true! Honest! =)
I guess its true history does repeat itself Well....Sorta
In response to EGUY
Actually, digi told me he has yet to touch DM. =P
well i didnt bother reading anything but the very first post .... and i no who the second best coder in byond oviously is ... Pepi

i am the fisrt, and Blarboy is the 3rd

(and no goten rules aint no good)
In response to Devin148
Devin148 wrote:
i am the fisrt


I seriously hope this is a joke, because...

In [link], Devin148 wrote:
I start coding, and all goes well, but i forgot some key things like subtracting health... i thiught that it was no big deal


The "best coder on BYOND" forgot how to manipulate a variable? Give me a break.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:


Are you trying to turn me on?
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
NightHound wrote:
He told me he was the 2nd best coder on byond

Everything you read on the internet is true! Honest! =)
I created byond.
In response to Strawgate
are you making fun of me.
In response to Elation
For the sake of my own sanity, I really hope not.
In response to Devin148
I seriously hope you are joking. How can the best BYOND programmer be so illiterate?
In response to Dead_Demon
Dead_Demon wrote:
I seriously hope you are joking. How can the best BYOND programmer be so illiterate?

Maybe DM is his first language?
In response to Elation
Nah, it does not look it. If it is, I can see several syntax errors :O
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
Actually, digi told me he has yet to touch DM. =P

actually that is not entirely true. i've touched it many times! :)

i do have the blue book, and have read through it once from cover-to-cover, as well as completed the Zilal tutorials.

so i think the bare basics are covered. just never really have the time to sit down and get into DM/DMcgi.

but this winter you will hopefully see a browser-based rpg-like game from me, or a collaboration effort by Alathon and myself. i'm also involved in Xooxer's new Chatters which should see the light of day around the beginning of 2007.
In response to digitalmouse
Then why'd you tell me you have yet to touch it. >_>
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
actually that is not entirely true. i've touched it many times! :)


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