So I've finally found a program like for recording videos. That ezvid was crap but easy, microsoft encoder restricted me to 10 minutes and was hard and difficult to understand with so many useless options. Encoder also wasnt directly translatable to a youtube format and you had to play with it. So i finally think i found a good stream lined one.
So probably tomorrow i will also make more tutorials on my channel as well now that i got my ideal program.
Anyway on too the good stuff the new stuff. Here is the video.
- now randomly drops coins in the vicinity with a animations
- now drops perks with similar animation
- will have a variety of customization abilities and will change and tweak a lot of core mechanics. See video for a small taste at the first perks.
-we got the character interface now designed in there. Can increase stats, choose perks, and see all other currency or crafting items.
Feel free to comment below i like some interaction.
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