Has anyone taken an IQ test or an Online IQ test? i just did and found out my IQ is 127 :O

Anyone else?

The site i took on at is
Online tests aren't accurate. They're always too high or too low, and some cap off too low.
In response to Popisfizzy
Plus, IQ tests have to be targeted very specifically to age group - for example, there is a different set of tests for people who are 18 and 18.5.

Plus, different ethnicities and cultures affect it. I've seen tests that asked questions only an American would know the answer to - if you're not American, you lose a point.
I got 135 so HA!
I do realize it's probably bogus...
I took mine on and got a 154. I don't tend to believe it one bit, though. I know I'm smart, but I'm not that smart. I estimate I'm in the 140 range.