What I want is to add the equivalant of "font face = whatever" into a style. I found something on a site but they had bad examples and all I can do is change colors =/ here's what I have that doesn't work:
<style type=\"text/css\">
MrUberStyle {color:white; face:\"Comic Sans MS\"}
/*I'm trying to make a style tag so that the text inside my
table has a certain color and font face*/
(I have slashes in it because I'm using this in Dream Maker inside a text string)
table will have white font and the font type "Comic Sans MS". I know how to do it with the font tag; I was just bored so I decided to figure this style thing out~
(Also, can you not use the dm tag in the Games Forum? I had to come to Developer to post this and I forget what I titled the topic originally :O oh well I'll make something else up)
(oh wow IE remembered what I had in the Topic box even though I didn't submit the form :D I guess I won't make something up)
Edit: Apparently I hadn't finished the message in the DM tag up there :O
Well, this depends on what type of situation it is. If it's a consistent font for the entire game, then style is the option. For example, if all your text was white and your background was black, then you would this line of code:
Though if you only need certain blocks of text to be coloured, for example private chat, use <font>.
If I've misunderstood you and you're talking about webpages, the same rule applies. Basically, use style for big consistent regions of settings, and font for specific settings.