I'm looking for some new games to play online. I hope you guys have some suggestions for me. This can be any kind of game but not byond related. It can be webbased games or 3d games, doesn't matter
Free or not?

I can Suggest some MMORPGs

Runescape - FREE
World of Warcraft - pay 2 play
Guild Wars - One time fee
Arch Lord - One time fee
Savage - FREE
In response to Brendan S

Just look at the right of the page and click the continuum.exe download. Continuum is a free to play ship game. It is highly addictive, online, and a good source of relaxation.

In response to ADT_CLONE
cmon guys i need more. I'm addicted to games :-P
and btw: the savage game doesnt work :-(
(website wont load)