Our team has been working diligently today on this update and here's what we have to show!

First up is the introduction of randomized demi-bosses, much like Diablo 2, these monster are spawned randomly and each come with a special name and name-identifier tag, boosted stats and a special item drop.

The First Picture of a Demi-Boss

Another Picture of a Different Demi-Boss.

Forgive the incomplete base and primitive overlays on the player, these are being fixed as we speak.

These demi-bosses drop unique, random, personalized items with stat bonuses:

Oh and finally we've started a rudimentary character HUD info box - Still waiting on graphics and programming.

We leave you with this screen that we found.

Oh my god! It's Lummox JR (note that is a dud monster type and it will not actually be featured in the game).
You should add random color changes for the special monsters and items when 4.0 comes out. Looking good so far, if you need any extra testers, I'm usually on at random times :)
Aye, good idea!
if you need any extra testers, I'm usually on at random times :)

Awesome, we always test at that time! :D
That look's great good progress.