![]() Feb 10 2007, 2:39 pm
In response to Jtgibson
I own Halo + Halo 2 and have an XBOX, I believe its a Generic first person shooter. It has the same elements as most fps games.
My brother bought an XBox, I've participated in many LAN parties around here with the game. I played through co-op to the end, it was okay. Not good, nor great. Just okay. The multiplayer didn't catch me as much as Counter-Strike, and the single player was nowhere near as fun as Half-life 2.
Now, combine the sales of the Mario titles, or Zelda titles, or Tetris titles.. and compare them to the sales of Halo 1 + 2.
Halo now seems pretty small. |
Hold on, you want me to compare a game that has been around for what 5 years? To games that have been around for 20+ years? Oh and Tetris and Mario games both came bundled with nintendo products, so you are telling me to compare the sales of a single game to the sales of about 5 consoles...Uhh no. You have to admit that Halo helped sell xboxs, and Halo 3 is going to help sell 360s. I say about roughly 70-80% of Xbox owners have a copy of Halo 2. And 60-70% of Xbox 360 owners bought there systems mostly so they could play Halo 3. That's like saying people don't buy Wiis just so they can play certain games, I'm sorry but if you are buying a console outside of being able to play certain games, you are stupid. If I got into Halo, I would consider getting a 360. I just don't like FPS on consoles.
Dark_Shadow_Ninja wrote:
Oh and Tetris and Mario games both came bundled with nintendo products, so you are telling me to compare the sales of a single game to the sales of about 5 consoles...Uhh no. I agree that you can't compare Mario to Halo, but Halo might as well have come bundled with the console. It's one of the few XBOX games that had any sort of hype behind it, and it's one of the only XBOX FPSers that was exclusive to the console for a decent period of time (I think it was ported to PC eventually, but I haven't kept up with it). There weren't many other titles XBOX fanboys could unite under so it got pretty much all of their attention. I'm not saying it doesn't have merit, I just believe that rather than Halo selling the XBOX the XBOX sold Halo. |
Dark_Shadow_Ninja wrote:
Hold on, you want me to compare a game that has been around for what 5 years? To games that have been around for 20+ years? Yes, hence why I said Halo really isn't that popular. Games that have been around longer, and have built a larger fanbase, are more popular. Oh and Tetris and Mario games both came bundled with nintendo products, so you are telling me to compare the sales of a single game to the sales of about 5 consoles... I thought Mario and Zelda only come on Nintendo, Tetris on Nintendo and PC? Halo comes on the Nintendo and PC. I think I completely missed your point there. Uhh no. You have to admit that Halo helped sell xboxs, Yes, I said that already. Without Halo, the XBox would have flopped. and Halo 3 is going to help sell 360s. I say about roughly 70-80% of Xbox owners have a copy of Halo 2. And 60-70% of Xbox 360 owners bought there systems mostly so they could play Halo 3. That's like saying people don't buy Wiis just so they can play certain games, I'm sorry but if you are buying a console outside of being able to play certain games, you are stupid. If I got into Halo, I would consider getting a 360. I just don't like FPS on consoles. Of course people buy platforms just for games. I would have no reason to buy a console if I didn't like the games, wouldn't make sense =P. Currently, none of the games on the 360 entice me. Most of the ones that do, are coming out on the Wii/PC. The PS3 has many titles that I want, I just don't want to cough up the money to get them. |
DarkView wrote:
I agree that you can't compare Mario to Halo, but Halo might as well have come bundled with the console. It's one of the few XBOX games that had any sort of hype behind it, and it's one of the only XBOX FPSers that was exclusive to the console for a decent period of time (I think it was ported to PC eventually, but I haven't kept up with it). There weren't many other titles XBOX fanboys could unite under so it got pretty much all of their attention. Bungie lost a lot of PC fans with that move, incidentally. Halo was originally intended for the PC, until Bungie signed on with Microsoft for the Xbox exclusive version. |
Halo was originally intended for the PC, Not true. Halo was originally intended for the Macintosh. Kind of weird that a system considered "not for games" almost first had one of the top games of all time... |
I wonder if it would have been noticed if it had been Mac-only though. Being backed by Microsoft, they had a huge marketing budget which they wouldn't have had otherwise.
DarkView wrote:
Not that the Wii and XBOX 360 have flawless designs. As someone who uses his Wii as a GameCube a lot I have to admit that memory card and controller ports on 'top' is a stupid idea. You have to lay it on it's side (which in fairness the design encourages/allows that, but it's still a pain). No, just no. I have a Wii, all you need to do is lift up the covers, or even take them off like it shows in the manual. The only reason you'd have to lay it on its side is if it tipped over constantly, and that only happens if you didnt put the clear disc under the stand. |
FriesOfDoom wrote:
No, just no. I have a Wii, all you need to do is lift up the covers, or even take them off like it shows in the manual. That's exactly what I do. It's an awkward design when you have it like that permanently. |
DarkView wrote:
FriesOfDoom wrote: Whats akward about it? I leave the covers in and even then I don't have any problems at all. |
When I was bored I went through ALOT of the polls on gamefaqs and noticed some trends (You may dislike gamefaqs, but these are probably some of the largest polls currently comparing systems)
Here are some trends that I noticed 1.Polls on gamefaqs have shown EXTREME differences between consoles popularity. The wii almost always gets double the 360's votes, and usualy more than five times the ps3's votes. 2.Super Smash Bros. brawl BEAT, yes BEAT halo 3 in votes. 3.More people said they bought the wii for holidays, and presents for others than other systems. Also, I've noticed some trends when I go video game stores. 1.Wii points cards are sold out everywhere I've gone 2.I had to go to 5 stores to find a wii remote for sale 3.Stores (Atleast around me) don't stock nearly as many xbox360 products, and ps3 products as they do wii products. Take this howevor you want, but I didn't lie about anything. Instead of using [This word is inappropriate for this forum] information such as "Omfg the xbox has halo", or "The [random console] has better games" I think it is better to look at actual popularity over a large amount of people. http://www.gamefaqs.com/poll/index.html?poll=2591 -Poll where ssbb beat halo3 http://www.gamefaqs.com/poll/index.html?poll=2630 -Zelda voted best game of the year http://www.gamefaqs.com/poll/index.html?poll=2631 -Wii getting best system of the year |
I beleive this is going to be the overall worst console launch in a long time, I think ps3, wii, and 360 will ALL fail. Wii's novelty will wear off, PS3 will not have enough games for the price, 360 has already run its course and I havent heard of many games coming out on it anyway, especially not any good ones. One good game will be Super Smash Bros Brawl. If they wanted success they should have given EVERY game an online mode, its way past due that EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. Has online mode. So screw it, no online, no me buying it. Plus, they are doing NOTHING different, other than the Wii's controller they are all doing the same thing, all over again, just with better graphics, and graphics are only like 10% of a game and gameplay is 90%. Every racing game plays the same, every platformer, every shooter, ALL THE SAME.
If Nintendo plays their cards right, they have the best chance of winning if they havent won already. They already win in my book. |
Dragonn wrote:
I beleive this is going to be the overall worst console launch in a long time, I think ps3, wii, and 360 will ALL fail. Thats a pretty bold statement..0_0 I'd say this is actually the best so far. OF course Wii's novelty will wear off as the wii remote becomes standard, potentially changing newer controllers. |
Nintendo always keep good stuff secret.
So who knows maybe some extra cool stuff to see in a year... Also in UK not all the pre-order demands have been met.....a few companys are still taking in pre-orders for the next batch they get. |
I don't see why absolutely every game needs an online mode. Not all games are even based on having multiplayer to begin with.
What do you expect with different kinda of games playing the same? You shoot people in a shooter. You do a lot of jumping in a platformer. Also, you just said that all three consoles will all fail, but the Wii will win if it hasn't already...? |
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Its February and people are STILL scrambling trying to get one along with the redesigned 2 year old DS(DS Lite)..0_0 Speaking of which, when are the NDS and the Wii going to be able to communicate to eachother like Nintendo said they world? |
Nintendo DS connectivity
The Wii system supports wireless connectivity with the Nintendo DS. Shigeru Miyamoto said Nintendo was still working out when features using this connectivity would be available, but that it would be soon after the launch of the system, due to the popularity of the Nintendo DS.[53] At Nintendo's corporate policy meeting in June 2006, Satoru Iwata explained that the DS uses its wireless connectivity to communicate with the console and that no further accessories are needed.[citation needed] The connectivity allows the player to use functions like the Nintendo DS microphone and touchscreen as inputs for Wii games. The first example Nintendo has given of a game using Nintendo DS-Wii connectivity is that of Pokémon Battle Revolution. Players with either Pokémon Diamond or Pearl are able to play battles using their Nintendo DS as a controller.[54] It has also been announced that the Nintendo DS is able to play game demos downloaded from the console, which they would receive from Nintendo, similar to a DS Download Station.[55] The console is also able to expand Nintendo DS games.[54] |