Feb 27 2007, 3:30 pm
In response to Knifo
I love how you have to play FF8 all the way through to fully understand it's story. It provides motivation, but it turns some people away, especially those who want the complete story right away. Hell, some people have to play it multiple times, which is okay. It's a good game.
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
I've played a bit of FF:T, and 'm trying to get into it, but it's fairly difficult. I'm not sure who made the decision that death should be permanent, but I want to stab them. Repeatedly. Because it means that if one of my characters dies, I have to finish the mission in the next three turns or so (Not that there's turns, as such, but you know what I mean) You can also revive them in-battle, if I recall correctly(like any other FF game, with the exception of this being more or less necessary in FFT, but optional in others). So by following simple buddy-rule systems, someone could be nearby to revive a fallen comrade (the last thing you need is someone to die on the opposite side of the map, relative to the rest of your party!). I have a fair idea of Cloud's history, but the whole [...] I suppose a fair number of people could've been confused as well. =/ The good news is that enough people caught on that a Square has a ton of FF7 support. Now they just need to hurry up and get FF:BC and FF:CC up and running over here. Someone needs to hassle our phone manufacturers and agencies over here. >=/ Hiead |