Well, I'm leaving BYOND. Right now we're in the middle of moving, and where we're going doesn't even have dial-up available right now (and AT&T said it would be a while before it was). I'd like to be on even before we moved, but unfortunately, I have surgery coming up in a week or less, and I have to help pack around here before then. I just don't have the time.

As some of you know, I'm the developer making "Enter the Wastes". Well, I'm trashing it.

I want to thank everyone here. This is a great community, and everyone has been helpful. I really don't want to go, but I can't find a place to stay that has internet (or a place at all).

But anyways...

Thanks everyone, and good luck.

Good luck moving, but don't trash your BYOND projects. Keep them around on a CD or HDD, you may want to look at them one day :)
In response to Alathon
Good luck with surgery and moving.
Internet by Satellite
Dang it... every time someone comes up with a game involving zombies, the game goes away.

There must be some kind of conspiracy.

It probably involves ninjas.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
Internet by Satellite

It's also extremely expensive.

Are you moving into the middle of nowhere ? If you have access to a phone line you can get internet, via dialup DSL or even fiber optics. And there most likely is cable in your area.
In response to Xx Dark Wizard xX
It's not extremely expensive. It's only about $60 a month or so. Highest I've seen is $99, but if you're moving to a place where it doesn't rain a lot, this is a good choice.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Er, it's expensive when you don't have a job >.>
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
It's not extremely expensive. It's only about $60 a month or so.

Sorry, but I can't help but laugh out loud when "only" and "$60 a month" appear in the same sentence. ;-)
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
It's not extremely expensive. It's only about $60 a month or so. Highest I've seen is $99, but if you're moving to a place where it doesn't rain a lot, this is a good choice.

Thats rediculous, I pay 40 a month and I get 30 megabits of speed. I looked at a few statelite companys and the best I saw was a 512/128 for 50 a month. And it costs 200 for the equipment.
Someday you will return, nobody really succeeds at "leaving BYOND"!

Good luck with moving though! And yeah, you can dial up with just an phone line.

In response to O-matic
O-matic wrote:
Someday you will return, nobody really succeeds at "leaving BYOND"!

A few do but its very rare.
In response to O-matic
Yeah, I've "left" BYOND about 10 times.
In response to Jtgibson
Jtgibson wrote:
Dang it... every time someone comes up with a game involving zombies, the game goes away.

We'd mostly given up hope on Enter the Wastes anyway. I mean it seemed great, y'know, until the guys behind it admitted they couldn't code and didn't know anything. :P
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
the guys behind it admitted they couldn't code and didn't know anything. :P

In response to Jtgibson
This is access to the internet we're talking about. How can you put a price on that?

You know if you're moving somewhere that doesn't even have internet service there isn't going to be a lot to do.
In response to Worldweaver
Worldweaver wrote:
This is access to the internet we're talking about. How can you put a price on that?

You know if you're moving somewhere that doesn't even have internet service there isn't going to be a lot to do.

Or he could do what all computer techhies couldn't do...step outside for more then 10 minutes.
In response to Shlaklava
I know, I was joking.

But I feel sorry for this guy if he's living in a place that doesn't have dial-up.
In response to Worldweaver
Yeah, it's in BFE : /

My parents are letting me put up a shop building though, and I'm going to put weights and stuff in there, as well as a practice mat. So that will give me something to do.
In response to Worldweaver
Worldweaver wrote:
But I feel sorry for this guy if he's living in a place that doesn't have dial-up.

i'd feel even sorrier for him if he was moving to a place that *only* had dial up :-P
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