I didn't know about the RAM upgrade, but still. Its alot to fit on one cart. And if they're like me, they don't like doing too much of the unneeded...
All I was trying to say is that I agree with you, but it probably couldn't happen.
RedlineM203 wrote:
I didn't know about the RAM upgrade, but still. Its alot to fit on one cart. And if they're like me, they don't like doing too much of the unneeded... The RAM upgrade right now is available to any places who have the Opera Web browser. It is required to even run the software. Eventually they are going to make a game that has to use it, like Donkey Kong Country 64 did. They can be lazy all they want, but it is only going to effect them in a negative sense. I hope not all game developers are like you, I might not buy games anymore. It isn't a lot to fit on a cart. Have you seen some of the games available to the Nintendo DS? Resident Evil, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime Hunters, Super Mario 64. And some of these games are less then 100MB in size when you rip them and I've read that the Nintendo DS cart can hold up to around 300MB of space by itself. No they were being lazy. |
Regardless of the misinformation I did get, it is still very much possible. The lack of space is simply an excuse. And a bad one at that.
Besides, right now it is a Gigabit, but it could easily get larger later on. Many Super Nes games actully had extra ram and stuff right in the cart simply to support their special graphics or whatever. |
Wow, a whole 128 MBs? That gives me, like, a whole 200 KB for each pokemon! I'm sure that'll be enough!
You're being ridiculous. This isn't an equivalent situation to the SNES carts, quite simply because an SNES cart isn't the same as a DS flash card. It's not even a matter of ram - it's a matter of storage. And there may be technical limitations that prevent them using larger flash cards. Or maybe you should consider this - why the hell should it be in 3D? 3D games are not automatically superior to 2D ones. There's no '3D bonus'. Some games work well in 3D - say, FPSes. Some games work just as well in 2D and 3D - say, most RPGs. Like Pokemon. Some games don't work in 3D at all - say, DEFCON. I don't really care that the Pokemon games are in 2D, because they work well that way. Why should Nintendo add extra fluff that's just going to make the games slower? Especially when they'd barely have enough room to fit the models in. Note that my estimate above for the amount of space available per-pokemon didn't include any game code, or anything else. Just the pokemon. Pokemon is a special case. Metroid Hunters could get away with reusing models quite a lot - I bet you'll find there's not many unique objects in there. Pokemon would have to have one for every pokemon in the game. And textures. Can you see the problem? EDIT: Dare I note that 3D would have been possible on the NES (It WAS turing-complete, after all), just extremely stupid? |
Shut up JP, you might feel Pokemon is fine in 2D, but I expected something more from the next Pokemon, not just "Pokemon"
You never even know, 200KB might have even been enough for the pokemon considering that the battles were never intensive on the pocket series. All it is is a back and front view. Hell I would have been happy with just 3D rendering, instead of full 3D. I am not being ridiculous, I am being a consumer. I played Pokemon for years and now I expect more. You don't like that, think it's stupid, I don't care. I didn't ask for your opinion. |
You and RedlineM203 are the only people that I've ever seen wanting hand held Pokémon games to be 3D.
I personally like it the way it is. 3D would be a massive, unwelcome change for me. And possibly thousands/millions of others. Give me ALL the maps and Pokémon on the one game and I'll be forever happy with it. |
Don't speak for everyone else, just on your own behalf.
Just like you can say you know millions of people would dislike a 3D game, I can say I know millions of people would welcome and enjoy the change. Just because a game takes on a 3D appearance does not mean that it has to change everything that made Pokemon - Pokemon. |
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Don't speak for everyone else, just on your own behalf. I did speak for my self. I said that it was quite possible that thousands/millions of others wouldn't like it. You might want to consider reading a post properly before replying. |
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Why should I? I don't really feel a need to read everything you say, I honestly don't care. Reading posts before replying stops you from making an idiot of your self. And if you don't care, then why reply in the first place? |
Shut up JP I'm typing in absolute silence. Is that enough? you might feel Pokemon is fine in 2D, but I expected something more from the next Pokemon, not just "Pokemon" Good for you. 3D isn't more. That was my point. You never even know, 200KB might have even been enough for the pokemon considering that the battles were never intensive on the pocket series. All it is is a back and front view. 200 KB for all the models and textures required is ridiculous, especially considering that you need room for, y'know, the actual game. Hell I would have been happy with just 3D rendering, instead of full 3D. Err... what's the difference? I am not being ridiculous, I am being a consumer. I played Pokemon for years and now I expect more. You're being a ridiculous consumer. Why the bloody hell would you demand 3D? I repeatedly made the point that Pokemon works just as well in 2D as it does in 3D, so I'd prefer it if Nintendo worked on other features - like the WiFi battling/trading, for example. You don't like that, think it's stupid, I don't care. I didn't ask for your opinion. Suggestion: If you don't want people to tell you why you're wrong, don't post on a public forum. Also, calm down. |
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Why should I? I don't really feel a need to read everything you say, I honestly don't care. hey Revenant Jesus, how high is your nerd rage level!? IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 |
Elation wrote:
IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 No matter where I go, can I not escape the influence of \b\? It seems like it's everywhere. I figured since BYOND is full of such young, pure, innocent, children, I figured I'd be able to escape it here. :) Anyway, I lol'd at the post about the guy in a Wario suit with rockets in Sony HQ, but other than that. This isn't the thread for me, so I'm out. Bye. :) |
Zagreus wrote:
No matter where I go, can I not escape the influence of \b\? \b\? What's that? Does such a thing exist? |
I'm getting pretty wary of Nintendo and Pokemon anyway because they seem to be losing ideas fast. I hope they don't go too low to get them, such as adding some sort of stingray, make it as rare as one of the fossils and put it into a captive home, and make the staff there say that they're keeping it there because it killed someone, but they'll give it to you if you go down to the local store and find some cookies or something.
If you know what I mean, that would be real low... |
We have had the decent Pokemon series, the only ones really ever worth anything on the Gameboy and now the Nintendo DS line for years and it has always been 2D.
The Nintendo DS is supposed to be so great, with it's extra power and touch screen. I mean hell, it is selling so well that Nintendo decided to stop production on the new Gameboy.
Did you know when Nintendo first made the Nintendo DS, they said it was NOT the successor to the Gameboy line and that the next Gameboy was in production? Now it has been put on hold because the DS just sold so well. That in itself made me upset.
Anyways back on topic, part of the reason why anyone is going to BUY a Nintendo DS is because of it's 3D capabilities. And so far, Nintendo isn't doing a very good job touting it. Seriously the Nintendo DS can do beautiful 3D graphics, but half the time we still get 3D sprites!
What is the point in having these awesome graphics if they are just going to waste the system on 2D bullcrap.
I know, I know, they did change the graphics a little bit, but not enough for my taste. I was expecting a 3D rendered world and that isn't what I got.
Hell the combat system could have still been 3D for all I care. I mean look at DragonQuest Monsters: Joker Edition, they went 3D with that.
The Nintendo DS cards can actually hold a lot of media, and with the additional ram package that will be available eventually, they will be able to do even more then what they can now.
So no, I am not willing to give them an excuse on this subject, it SHOULD have been 3D. All of the other 3D ones sucked so bad it isn't funny.