put on here some games senquals as 2nd not 1st not 3rd not higher or lower then 2 at all that are better then the 1st
just beaacuse many say a game is good or a series is doesent mean 2 is better then 1 so
p.s kingdom of hearts 2 doesent count beacuse the gba game
these are not better 2's
halo 2
loz 2 links adventure
super mario 2 (note only launched in japan not in the u.s beacuse it was bad)
heres some good ones from me
mario part 2
super smash bros melee
pokemon yellow (blue and red are part of a 2 part set so are both 1)
megaman battlenetwork 2
pokemon stadium 2 (colloseeum is 3 xd is 4)
mario kart 64 (the first was a snes game)
sims 2 (exspansions dont count)
roller coaster tycoon 2 (same as above)
![]() Mar 19 2007, 2:08 pm
![]() Mar 19 2007, 3:20 pm
God of War 2 ^_^
Of course, sequals are never as good as there predicesor. Look at Spiderman, Matrix. And for games, final fantasy 10 is a good example of a game that should never have had a sequal. Chrono trigger was great, and chrono cross was horrible. Just the way things work, but sequals draw money in.
Hydrocrush wrote:
put on here some games senquals as 2nd not 1st not 3rd not higher or lower then 2 at all that are better then the 1st You must have some things confused. Halo 2 was the most played multiplayer game on Xbox Live for quite a long time. Legend of Zelda was a sidescroller remake, not great, but decent in the terms of Zelda fans. Super Mario 2 (I guess you are referring to the Lost Levels) was actually released in the US when they made Super Mario All-Stars. The game is pretty much the same as the first except with new levels that were designed for it. All the games you listed are recognized by the gaming community and they are all very decent games. |
Arcanedragon_2004 wrote:
Hydrocrush wrote: no even the develupers of halo 2 says it was worse then 1 everyone knows loz2 is the worse loz game of all loz games no there was a different sm2 |
Hydro Crush, where do you get off telling people what sucks and what doesn't?
Just because someone "says" something, does not mean it is right, you do realize that right? I am sure there are a lot of people who would disagree with you about Halo 2 being worse then the first game. I'd also like to take this time to say: Legend of Zelda II: Was not like the rest of the Zelda's, but I enjoyed it anyways. It was one of the only Zelda games that actually incorporated experience points and levels. They tried something different, and while some people don't agree it was a good move, I enjoyed this game very much. Super Mario Bros 2: It does not bother me Japan took Dokie Dokie Panic, slapped Mario Sprites on it and called it a Mario game. It was a very good game, with a creative story line. It was also only one of the games to let you play as more then just Mario or Luigi. I thought it was cool that not only could you play as Mario, Luigi, Toad and Peach, but they also all had their own special skills. Further more, any REAL Mario fan, would never count this game out from the series. It was popular enough for them to take existing ideas from the game and put them into other games. If it wasn't for Mario 2 USA, we would have never seen Birdo, Shyguy or any other memorable characters. You know what games I DIDN'T Like? Pokemon Yellow: Take the same tired and true Pokemon game, throw in a pikchu that follows you around and add surf to its skills. Nothing New, nothing good. terrible waste of $30.00 Pokemon Stadium 2: Hey I got an idea, lets take Pokemon, make it 3D, then tear out everything except for the combat and charge full price for a gutted out game! Genius! Megaman Battle Network 2: Lets take what was popular last time, put a new name on it and re-sell it! YES! Also I want to know why Kingdom Hearts II doesn't count because of the GBA game? the GBA game was a side project, nothing else. I think of Kingdom Hearts II as Kingdom Hearts II, not III. And I think KH2 rocked out loud. Much more so then KH1. |
Revenant Jesus wrote:
They tried something different, and while some people don't agree it was a good move, I enjoyed this game very much. I find that most people who played the original Zelda during the NES era liked The Adventures of Link. Not usually as much as Legend of Zelda but they like it none the less. It's mainly the people who started playing with/after A Link to the Past who have a problem with it. That's not to say that as someone who played during the NES era I'm automatically more hardcore and they're just posers, it's just something I've noticed. I guess it was just easier to view it as simply a game back then rather than having these massively awesome games casting their shadows over it. |
I loved Super Smash Bros for months when I had it, but when Melee came out I just couldn't bring myself to go back to the old one. I think Melee was much better than the original. :(
I love Melee, but it left a bad impression on me due to the balancing they did that seemed to "nerf" my mainly used Character, Ness... And a few other characters were watered down, too, compared to their SSB counterparts...
Here's hoping that Brawl doesn't go further down that path...lol |
Has anyone mentioned the biggest let down of all? The newest goldeneye game? I loved goldeneye for the nintendo 64 and still do. I was extremely let down when the goldeneye for gamecube sucked.
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Hydro Crush, where do you get off telling people what sucks and what doesn't? yellow-red+blue for a better game pokemon staduim 2 it was much bigger and better mmbn2 it had some new stuff including the escape from battle so you dont have to fight every metool you come across khcom was a continuation not seperation pso3 C.A.R.D is still a 3rd even know it uses cards |
Please Pokemon Stadium and Stadium 2 is nothing but a gutted out game, made to make money, quick and easy. It shouldn't even be considered a *game*.
Just because Yellow had Pokemon from Both red and blue doesn't make it good. It didn't add more to the series, it wasn't until later on that they started to add in breeding and stuff like that to make the series more interesting. Its like, Ya-hoo! Now I can get all the stupid Pokemon in one game. Oh wait, I never bothered to catch them all in the first place. |
That wasn't really a sequel to Goldeneye though. Tomorrow Never Dies (I think, I'm not big on Bond) was the sequel. It was for the PS1 and it stank. GoldenEye: Rogue Agent just shared a name with the N64 Bond game.
I didn't read all of your message, but just wanted to let you know that the reason Legend of Zelda II was so different is because a different company made it.
What you're thinking of is a remake, not a sequel.mario kart 64 (the first was a snes game) |
Pikmin 2 was alot better than the first Pikmin. It took out the annoying time limit added alot of new enemys, a decent multiplayer mode, and made more activities to perform in singleplayer mode (though the story was alot better in the first)
Paper Mario two was amazing. I didn't think they could actually make a game better than the first Paper Mario. (Though I still don't think they made it better than Super Mario Rpg the Legend of the Seven Stars) That game had a great story, more creative places/characters, better items, better puzzles, a lot of side quests, and I found that even after knowing the story/puzzles, it was still fun for me to play it a second time. I think Mario Party Two was better than MP1 in terms of minigames, and maps. Battle Tanks Global Assault is one of my favorite games of all time, and certainly bests the initial battle tanks. (More weapons, the options for multiplayer in the campaign mode, more tanks, and tank wars were awesome.) Harvest Moon 64 is another one of the games I've yet to grow tired of. Considering it was on a better system, it was bound to be better than the first Harvest Moon. (at least I think hm64 is the second Harvest Moon.) This game was simplistic, yet complex enough for you to choose what you wanted to do, and have a lot of choices when you do. Unlike other Harvest Moons the activities you perform aren't unbalanced. Whether you choose to farm, raise animals, or do various things outside of your house (depending on the season) you will usually make the same amount of money (or gain something else) as you would doing other things. This game also doesn't put high priority on marriage. Its easy to get well into your 15th year without growing bored. This game also has TONS of replay value. |