In response to RedlineM203

In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
They simply are not the company they used to be.

I still think that SquareSoft was much better pre-Enix-merger. FFX was okay, but the ones before it were better in my opinion, with the exception of FFIX. The idea of making sequels was truly idiotic (FFX-2, wtf game over), and many of the games have truly felt lacking the olden Square quality. FFV - FFVIII (FFT included) were some of the best games I've played, and I'd probably say I liked each of them better than FFX. I liked Kingdom Hearts, but it wasn't overly special. I can't say much for KH2, since I only had a day to play it, but otherwise I think the merger has had a negative impact. I guess I just liked the interests of Square more than I did Enix, and the new focuses don't fit my tastes. I also can't say that I liked how the FF games keep occurring in the same world with the same species. The originality between games was one of FF's strong points. Vincent's game was really a horrible production; it was like expecting players to play a crap game to fill in the storyline. Heck, the Japanese version didn't even work right at first, so you know that Square Enix is fudging things up horribly these days.

In response to Hiead
The worst thing about it, is that Enix was a great Role Playing Company back in their prime, I used to play the living hell out of RoboTrek. E.V.O.: Search for Eden, was also another great rpg by them. Its seems like Square adsorbed Enix, but then, just ignored it and kept it for the name only.

And while Kingdom Hearts wasn't the best game out there, I really did enjoy Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, they were good games, good quality. But the GBA edition really sucked eggs.
In response to RedlineM203
I don't own 13, 14, or 20 on that list. :D
Hydrocrush wrote:
FFXII > halo 2
FFXIII > halo 3

You cannot compare an rpg to an fps. There are no similarities . You just cannot compare them. IMO the halo series woops on any final fantasy made. I just played the Halo 2 campaign today and the story line owns.
In response to FretFulGun
FretFulGun wrote:
Hydrocrush wrote:
FFXII > halo 2
FFXIII > halo 3

I just played the Halo 2 campaign today and the story line owns.

I totally disagree. I love Halo 2, love the multiplayer to death. But the single player sucked. It was fun the first time going through(although grueling at times), but after that it lost all its luster. Halo 1 on the other hand, i don't know how many times I've played that through, and the multiplayer wasn't that great.

"If you keep up with the sales chart the Wii is slowly losing its luster... Decreasing sales and stuff..."

no freakin duh. if people already have boughten it, they're not going to go buy another one, so of course sales are going to drop. plus, really the only "captivating" game on the Wii right now is Legend Of Zelda. I'm sure people are waiting for titles like "Super Mario Galaxy", "Metroid Prime 3", "Super Smash Bros. Brawl". I have a Wii, and sure like every console it gets old if there's no new games for it.
In response to FriesOfDoom
What? No new games? there is a handful of new games almost every month. Trauma Center: Second Opinion got rave reviews, So did Cook'in Mama. If those aren't your cup of tea, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves scored really high as well. I also got the chance to play Sonic and the Secret Rings and it rocked out hard. Saying there isn't any games is totally inaccurate. And with the virtual console there is even more games to play. Mario Kart 64, Starfox 64 and a slew of other games that appeared on the VC should give almost everyone an incentive to get a Wii if they have extra money.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
What? No new games? there is a handful of new games almost every month. Trauma Center: Second Opinion got rave reviews, So did Cook'in Mama. If those aren't your cup of tea, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves scored really high as well. I also got the chance to play Sonic and the Secret Rings and it rocked out hard. Saying there isn't any games is totally inaccurate. And with the virtual console there is even more games to play. Mario Kart 64, Starfox 64 and a slew of other games that appeared on the VC should give almost everyone an incentive to get a Wii if they have extra money.

let me rephrase that are worth playing through multiple times or longer than 20 hours. Games that don't lose their luster for a long long time... I have wario ware and it got old after a bit.
In response to FriesOfDoom
Yeah but that is simply you, don't apply your standards to everyone else. Many people really loved that game.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Yeah but that is simply you, don't apply your standards to everyone else. Many people really loved that game.

Revenant.....this is why I don't get involved in these conversations.

I'll have to requote time.

Revenant Jesus wrote:
Yeah but that is simply you, don't apply your standards to everyone else.

hmmm....yes....don't.....once more now.....

Revenant Jesus wrote:
Many people really loved that game.

hmm.....applying YOUR standards to "many people".....

See now the problem is, you just contradicted yourself! You can't EVER put your standards on anybody else, or you're just simply wrong! If anyone even makes a slight remark that involves a group of people, or states what a being is that is not himself, he is wrong.

"Wii sucks" , "360 sucks" , "PS3 sucks".
"Wii rules, "360 rocks" , "PS3 superior".

A good example. We have OPPOSING REMARKS! Somebody must be wrong. Possibly.....all wrong? Yes....all wrong.
In response to DDSR
gears of war sucked and dident win game of the year

loz tp still won for g4 the onyl network about gaming
In response to DDSR
no it has NOT

loz tp outsold it so did god of war 2
In response to RedlineM203
you need to include remakes also so 1 and 2 stay but super mario 64 takes 3rd beacuse its ds friend

also the real thing is WoW has sold about 9 mill

also many gta and grand turismos were sold as bundels with ps2s so -1m at least on each
In response to Hydrocrush
Thats what it says on Wikipedia. If it ain't there, it probably didn't.
In response to Hydrocrush
You're making Nintendo fans look bad.

Please stop talking.
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