I have a question about the new Byond Guild listings. One of the people that runs one of the Byond guilds threaten my life on the byond amine forum. When I reported it to you guys and asked action be taken all you did was delete the threatening post. Now this same person is refuseing to allow my game into the Byond guild he controls claiming it as a RIP when he has already allowed other games he says is a RIP but since Buster said its ok he's allowing it but Buster's game came from someone elses source so by their diffenition is also a rip.
So this being said are there guildlines for the people running these new Byond guild listings or are they new kings of byond that get to do what ever they want?
How is this a good idea? Absalute power corrupts absalutey.
What can I do to get my game listed in the Byond Fan Games listings when the person controling them has already threaten my life on a post you deleted from the byond amine guild forum?
Please only byond staff answer me I am not here to start a debait. I only would like some customerservice for a 7 year byond member and my emails are not being answered.
![]() Apr 14 2007, 10:54 pm
![]() Apr 14 2007, 10:56 pm
The only guilds the staff has any official say in are the official ones (BYOND Anime, BYOND RPG, etc.). The other guilds were paid for by their respective owners, so they can do what they want with them, provided they don't break any rules.
Well, BYOND Anime is the only guild that your's could refer to, and it's listing your game, so I don't see why you brought this problem up.
Then way are so many other Naruto and DBZ games listed in Byond Fan Games guild includeing WOTS and NC? What makes them different?
Also I've already been told my byond staff that my game is a fan game and that is why I can't receive donations for it. |
Nor are they an official BYOND guild. It's owned by RealQMark. You know an offical BYOND guild because the key will have the acronym "BYOND" in it.
I see what your saying. So they just made there own to try and look like a Offical byond guild.
Thanks for clearing that up if their not a Byond offical guild then it doesn't matter. |
If it was on an Official byond guild i'm sure it would of been deleted the key banned from the guild ( maybe ).
Just like my post it will disappear. |
Goditz wrote:
I have a question about the new Byond Guild listings. One of the people that runs one of the Byond guilds threaten my life on the byond amine forum. When I reported it to you guys and asked action be taken all you did was delete the threatening post. Now this same person is refuseing to allow my game into the Byond guild he controls claiming it as a RIP when he has already allowed other games he says is a RIP but since Buster said its ok he's allowing it but Buster's game came from someone elses source so by their diffenition is also a rip. I'm gonna stop you right here and correct you on a few points. First, RealQMark runs a private guild of his own, not an official BYOND guild. BYOND Fan Games only has BYOND in its name, but the key is still RealQMark's, as you can see from the URL. If the key doesn't start with BYOND, it's not official. The post in question was not a threat; it's a huge stretch to interpret it as such. A threat means that someone actively seeks to harm you, but the post was worded in more of a "You're lucky you weren't..." sort of way. It was definitely hostile and said some stupid stuff, but it was not a threat. Also, the post was not deleted in response to your report. By the time anyone saw your report to deal with it, the moderators of BYOND Anime had already nixed that entire subthread. BYOND staff will typically not deal with forum issues reported in support requests, because that's not what that contact line is there for. So this being said are there guildlines for the people running these new Byond guild listings or are they new kings of byond that get to do what ever they want? There are indeed guidelines for the people running the official BYOND guilds, but RealQMark's guild is private, not official, so he can indeed do whatever he wants with it. What can I do to get my game listed in the Byond Fan Games listings when the person controling them has already threaten my life on a post you deleted from the byond amine guild forum? To sum up the above:
Popisfizzy pointed out that it wasn't a offical guild to me too thank you.
As far as my email about harassment I linked you to my personal forum and to the anime forum. This has been going on for 6 months and most of it's from the same 5 kids that just make new keys when I ban theirs from my forum. My lawyer has informed me that a harassment suit is the hardest to win especaily over the internet and advised me to ask your staff for help because thats all I can really do. Attacking your memebers tring to make them out like their dumb will only cost you members. I've been a member since it started. Seeing as it's been 7 years and at least 10 differant byond keys I'm not exactly sure when that was. For you to just discredit it is asking to lose members. Acoiding to my bank I have spent well over 100 bucks with you guys just in the last 2 years not to mention prior. I currently have 5 differant byond member keys. If you do not surport people that actually pay for your service, even buying friends memberships and tring to get the 200+ on his game to become members, then let me know and I'll stop right now not spending another dime. After all if I'm just going to be treated like a punk kid why should I? This is the only company in my 27 years of experance dealing with companys, that has ever treated me this way and talked down to me. If I had ever made a remark like this to one of my customers when I was working CSR I would have been fired. Lieing to me about the real reason my hub was surprised 6 months ago, claiming it was because it was a disapproved rip per Axerob. Posting other messages totaly discrediting all my work on my game saying it is a rip. http://games.byond.com/forum/ index.cgi?action=message_read&id=503054&forum=15&view=0 Completely disregaurding E-mails without even a responce. These are not the ways to keep customers. There's plenty of free web hosting sites and I can use MSN instead of the byond pager so if some customer service isn't included then I won't be spending another dime. This is a hobbie that I can not make any funds on for any reason. So if actully giving money does nothing for me I'll keep it as a free hobbie. I've always tried to promote your service and have lost count how many have became members just to get the rewards I offer in my game. If this means nothing and I can't even get some customer service then why should I keep doing it? |
I have thank you and they told me my chances are 1 in a mil of winning and to start printing out all the harassing posts before they get deleted just in case which I have started doing. If I had gotten some customer service I wouldn't have had to try and stop the harassment myself.
What kind of harassment are you talking about? People giving you a hard time online? Stop being such a drama queen. Maybe if someone had actually made it a point to actually threaten your life in some manner you would have some sort of case, but people just heckling you online, come on. Grow up. You are like what? Almost 30 years old? I hope I am not as lame as you are in 8 years.
The staff has already remove a post on this topic where someone said flat out their going to kill me.
The harassment I can keep taking like I have for 6 months however Byond staff surporting them and backing them over me, acting like I'm to much trouble to be a customer they want with an attitude like were all just using there stuff for free when some of us have paid a great deal and flat out insulting me, I can't. Companys just don't do that to their customers and trive. I know Dan and Tom started this as a hobbie back in there collage days but I'm preaty sure they want to make money with it or why is it still around? |
FYI: The BYOND staff doesn't care about you. Or me for that matter. Or even you reading this. Yes, I know I started off my sentences with conjunctions but I don't care.