In response to Hydrocrush
Can I buy pot from you?
In response to Revenant Jesus
The Smash Bros. games are all about Nintendo First- and Second-party characters... Every character (save one exception that I'll address shortly) is from a game created either by Nintendo itself, or by one of its Second-party sub-developers (like Rare, HAL, etc.)

And each one is essentially a Nintendo owned character... They're all Nintendo "icons" (or at least from iconic Nintendo games)

The only exception to this rule is the addition of Solid Snake... This one seems to be a special case, only brought about due to the requests of his creator (who developed the Metal Gear series for Konami, which happens to be a HUGE part of Nintendo's past, though technically not one of their Second-party developers)

And since Metal Gear made its American debut on the NES, Solid Snake is almost a classic Nintendo character...

But no one should get their hopes up for the inclusion of anyone from the Sonic series...

Sega may be buddies with Nintendo now, but they're still a Third-party developer, were once rivals, and Sonic is not a classic Nintendo character, nor a Nintendo icon...
In response to Talion Knight
i dont have any ask evil inuyasha
In response to Revenant Jesus
if anyone is on acid it would be you so i hope it melts your body
In response to Darkdemonrad
sega nintendo fusion
In response to Revenant Jesus
megaman would be basically have the same attacks as fox and falco
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
wasent megaman from the nes also
In response to Hydrocrush
Yes, but he's a Capcom owned character...

It isn't enough to just be in a Nintendo game... They have to be Nintendo characters... (again, the only exception is Solid Snake, and that one is because his owner/creator asked them to add him in)
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Sega may be buddies with Nintendo now, but they're still a Third-party developer, were once rivals, and Sonic is not a classic Nintendo character, nor a Nintendo icon...

It might all change soon. Sonic Advance 1,2 and 3 and Sonic Rush 1 and 2... (2 is coming out soon from what I know) and Sonic & the Secret Rings. And that Olympics crap.

Sonic can stay as Sega's mascot, but at this rate, if there is a SSB after Brawl, Sonic will have a proper chance of appearance.

It all depends on the companies and the fans.
In response to Hydrocrush
He's fresh out and your the 2nd best vender here.
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