Okay, I'm in the process of backing up my files so that I can do a hard drive wipe. I've backed up one fairly large folder (i think it was about half a gig or something), but now I'm on file 2 of 3 - and this one's a big 'un. It's 6 gig.

So far, it's taken FTP Surfer 3 days to upload, and it still predicts a helluva long time (1712 minutes...I think that's like...a day) I'm not even sure I have enough space on my server to put this XD

I need to find a way to get these 2 files uploaded to the internet...and preferably a recommendation for somewhere to upload them that has tonnes of memory available for me to borrow...considering I don't quite think I have enough CDs to back up a 6 gig file XD;

And why would it show this? It's saying "-27% of FILE2.rar complete" - why negative 27?
I have heard good things about iDrive.
Uploading 6 gigabytes to the internet is going to be slow, period. There's no way around that short of paying lots of cash to get a fast connection.

Also remember that you have to download them afterwards, which is going to take a while as well - though maybe not quite as long, depending on your internet connection.

You need a DVD burner or an external hard drive. Failing that, just buy a 10-pack of CDs already! They're really cheap these days, and 6 gigs is only 9 CDs.

If the actual files are bigger than 700 MB (?!), use a program to split them into chunks small enough to fit on a CD. WinRAR will do this.
In response to Crispy
I thought it'd be more than 9 discs, but I've nagged my dad into at least LOOKING into external hard drives (found a 60gig one (overkill, I know) for like £75, before VAT XD)

Thanks ^^ (I need to learn more about computers so I don't have to keep posting here XD;)
In response to Lyra04
For future reference, a CD holds up to 700 MB (originally 650 MB, but 700 MB is common these days). 6 GB is 6*1024 = 6144 MB, so divide 6000/700 to get 8.78. Round upwards and you get 9, so you need 9 CDs to store 6 GB.
In response to Crispy
or 2 DVDs. :) a DVD-burner is a worthwhile investment now-a-days.

unless you've coughed up a large amount of cash for a net connection that has the same speed up and down, you probably have some kind of cable, ISDN, or ADSL line. often they have a great download speed and a not-so-great upload speed. providers do this because the data you send to websites is quite small compared to the amount you get from websites.

for example, the 1Mbit line i have at the moment is 1024 kbps download speed and 384 kbps upload speed - roughly 1/3. this makes backing up up data to the net very slow.
In response to Lyra04
Lyra04 wrote:
I thought it'd be more than 9 discs, but I've nagged my dad into at least LOOKING into external hard drives (found a 60gig one (overkill, I know) for like £75, before VAT XD)

Thats a lot for a 60GB one. You can get upto 500GB external drives for the same or less.
In response to Nick231
Indeed. Found one (on sale), 400gig, about £70. Cheapest one that PC World had XD Seriously overkill, but hey, everything's ready to be wiped, just need my brother here...because if HE wipes it, -I- can't be blamed if something goes wrong :D
In response to Lyra04
DVD's hold a lot more space and aren't much more expensive anymore
In response to digitalmouse
Or 1 dual-layer DVD :D
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Couldn't be bothered to read everything but just by an external hard drive.