See my icon size is 64 and im not really good with game design so i look for isometric wall designs which is on the internet then import it in the pixmap editor but then the wall imported on the editor is broken down into small parts and when i resize the wall in photoshop by 64 pixels its height is too high but then if i increase the icon size the other icons will be too small for the map what should i do to make a proper wall without affecting the other factors
Well... you could look for a different isometric wall tile that does fit 64x64 pixel, i guess.
If world.icon_size is 64, your icon should generally look like this:

If you'd like to make walls for your icon, you can do so by either making the entire tile a block:

Or by simply creating a wall from one of the "walls" of said block:

The isometric renderer uses the bottomleft corner of the icon as its origin point. You may have any icon of any size as well.

edit: Don't copy and paste these because they were taken from my desktop and are not 64x64. You will encounter problems.