No, if you got a Wii the same night that stores were selling it at midnight, there were multiple complaints that people could not connect to the Nintendo Wifi hub for the Wii.
As for online, it isn't about the developers, it is about Nintendo. I have said it once, I'll say it again, many developers wanted to integrate online into their games and Nintendo would not let them. These are quoted complaints from developers.
50 gigs of space(Dual Layered Blu-Ray, wiki it if you don't believe me) is quite alot of room for a game to grow.
I just hope online games for the wii have a more friendly user interface than on the DS >_>
That was the crappiest online ever...EVER. |
That was my point. No other system has that much space. This is a limit to those other systems, and, to me, a good part of the system. I was just explaining to Lummox how the Blu-Ray does help, and how it is a good thing(Well, unless the price would go down $200+ without it.)
The Xbox 360 really doesn't have a limit with their hard drive. A good example is how I got 2 expansion packs to Oblivion for the Xbox 360.
Thats why I like it so much, games that should have expansion packs instead of all new game releases do. Then again, the PS3 can do that now too. But that wasn't the point I was trying to make, my point was, that the 360 doesn't have much of a limit. The biggest problem I see right now, is while they might have more room, will they use it? The fact is, that right now, PS3 has very, very few exclusive titles and last time I read, they are barely even beginning to use the full amount of data a Blu-Ray can use. Regardless of that, it still feels like a forced format. It is like the UMD, Mini Disk or Beta Tape all over again. I don't feel the Blu-Ray is ever going to replace the DVD or even the HDDVD for that matter. Not only do Blu-Ray DVDs cost more where I live, but the price for players is outrageous. |
Danial.Beta wrote:
That was my point. No other system has that much space. This is a limit to those other systems, and, to me, a good part of the system. I was just explaining to Lummox how the Blu-Ray does help, and how it is a good thing(Well, unless the price would go down $200+ without it.) How much money will a game developer have to spend to fill those 50 gigs with content? Will this increase the price of the game? Or will they possibly let other areas, like gameplay, slip in order to fill up the disk? |
Revenant Jesus wrote:
No, if you got a Wii the same night that stores were selling it at midnight, there were multiple complaints that people could not connect to the Nintendo Wifi hub for the Wii. I did for a fact get a Wii on launch date(did you?) and I connected fine with no problems whatsoever. I'm speaking of personal experience not hearsay mind you. And I will say again; developers have the tools now(and apparently have had them for a while if a online 3rd party game is coming as soon as August) and they don't even need to use Nintendo's wifi service like EA is doing with Madden and possibly FIFA. |
Danial.Beta wrote:
I won't deny, there is a lack of good games for the PS3. I could very easily say the same thing about the Wii, yet I hear less people mentioning that about the Wii... I wonder why. Meh, I guess they finally found some released games they liked or saw alot of announced games..There's pretty much one everyday including one last week..It'd basically be like God of War for Wii, but different. 0_0 [edit] Still idk, Wii only has 49 more games on its list than PS3. Maybe people just expect alot more out of PS3 for its pricetag.. |
WarLin wrote:
But see you can never base things on what people say... remember kill zone? 'The next halo'? I didn't say it would BE the God of War for wii, I said it would be LIKE it. Thats the best way I can describe it without you looking at the video or reading the preview..0_0 |
Yeah I did get a Wii on launch also, but when I got mine I went home and went to bed, I didn't even hook mine up until a day and a half later. And I didn't get the resources to connect online until 2 weeks later.
But you know what, I don't care, I don't need you to question what only what my friend told me, but what other people have claimed as well. I even read an article that stated that for an hour on launch day, their online service was messed up. They might have the tools now, but I think now is already too late. They should have had those tools from the start. Not months after the release. It is unacceptable. |
Danial.Beta wrote:
I still say the blu-ray is a plus for the system. Not a plus that warrents a $600 console, for sure, but it does allow the console to be ready for the future. As graphics are being pushed more and more, filespace for said graphics is getting less and less. The blu-ray gives the developer way more room for textures and world content. Two things that are very important in "HD" gaming. I don't like the PS3 but I have to agree with this. Everyone seems to bash Blu-Ray as a movie format (and rightfully so) but they always forget the capacity can be applied to gaming. Imagine the next Guitar Hero game uses a full Blu-Ray disc. It simply wont be feasible to port that to the XBOX 360. So the XBOX 360 is going to have to keep developers wanting to develop exclusively for it. Heck, it would be in Sony's best interest to make sure that such a game was released on both the 360 and the PS3. It wouldn't take long for the XBOX 360 to gain a reputation as being the gimped console. It's annoying that Sony could use jamming their new HD video format down our throats to stage a comeback and push the XBOX 360 off the table. What I'm really interested in with this generation is the Wii price drops. I don't think it's that out of the question to suggest that by the time the XBOX 360 and the PS3 drop down to their reasonable prices we may see the Wii and a (retail) game bundled together for a price that's not much more than the game itself. Even the newer technology in the Wii isn't anything that special so I wouldn't imagine it would take very long for production costs to go down. Think about how many consoles Nintendo could get out there if they were producing the Wii at a price that meant only a $40 loss per game+console combo. It is a computing machine! So you're saying that this pile of circuits is a computer? Interesting. =P |
Danial.Beta wrote:
I could very easily say the same thing about the Wii, yet I hear less people mentioning that about the Wii... I wonder why. People feel like those PS3 games could have worked just as well, at a fraction of the price, for the PS2. That happens with pretty much all near launch consoles. Ironically the Wii seems to be the only one that hasn't suffered from this even though some of it's major games were actually designed for the GameCube. =P |
Danial.Beta wrote:
I still say the blu-ray is a plus for the system. Not a plus that warrents a $600 console, for sure, but it does allow the console to be ready for the future. As graphics are being pushed more and more, filespace for said graphics is getting less and less. The blu-ray gives the developer way more room for textures and world content. Two things that are very important in "HD" gaming. I don't buy this argument, because it buys into the idea that games = cinema. Good texture work does not necessarily mean taking huge amounts of space, and even when you throw in lots of voice-overs and such, we're talking compressed audio. A game that takes 50 GB is also a game that took a huge budget to produce, and consequently has a price tag related to that budget. We must not forget that the gaming industry was literally founded by geniuses who could squeeze the absolute best gameplay out of limited resources. As an example of late-model ingenuity, I give you Super Mario Bros. 3. The NES was an incredibly limited system but that game squeezed pure awesomeness out of it, more than most (if not all) other titles before it. Something on that level of quality on the resources of a mere DVD-enabled machine should still be amazing. And I'll be blunt: People who think cinematics are essential to modern gaming have poisoned the entire culture. I have no use for those people; they suck. Their lack of imagination has pushed developers into being even less imaginative. The idea that a game needs 50 GB worth of textures and dialogue and super-detailed models is asinine--for the most part. I will grant that team sports games do better having more realism to the players, but then the old formats never hindered that any. In that respect, the ps3 is set to be capable of hosting the best looking and biggest games. Although, that doesn't mean best. It's also got one of the most expensive development kits in the industry, if not the most expensive, and the cost of producing Blu-ray discs is gonna be passed on to--just guess. I agree that making the machine $600 was a mistake, but they where attempting to one up Microsoft on every part of the system, and they did a pretty good job. If they actually were attempting to one-up them on overpricing, then yes, absolutely. But part of one-upsmanship is to deliver better goods at the same price or lower. Sony developed a machine that costs them $800, and they sell it at a $200 loss, which still makes it $200 more than its most expensive rival which is still $100 more than the market's sweet spot. Another often over looked feature of the PS3 is processor power. It is a computing machine! This means that physics based games, RTSs with lots of troops, and about anything with a lot of AI can do better on the PS3 than the 360 and Wii. Once again, this doesn't mean the best, but it helps. Sony just should have shaved a little off. At the same time, the only things I can think of that they could have cut(without putting themselves below the 360) would be power and graphics, but everyone(AKA "Hard core gamers") is so obsessed with the statistics of everything that if they would have dropped them, everyone would have just wrote the machine off as nothing special. Don't kid yourself; they're doing that now. The industry itself is reluctant to pronounce the time of death, which manifested in an article I spotted recently. ("Is the PS3 dead?" Question mark.) But people who follow the industry yet aren't tied up in the hype have been quick to spot the trends, and they are alarmingly bad for Sony. They're not actually all that rosy for Microsoft either. I think the PS3 is a solid machine. It is lacking some areas(price point mostly), but is a great console once you start using it. The interface is good(but the playstation network isn't great. It works, but could be better), the graphics and gameplay are smooth, and the arcade games up for download have been great so far(I've bought most of them). There are some great games coming out later this year, which will add to the value of the machine. But price point is everything. Many game companies, whose budgets are starting to rival the Federal government in terms of scale, are looking for even more ways to soak the consumer by making craploads of pay-to-download content and add-ons. $600 isn't buying you just the machine; it's buying you minimum entry into an expensive lifestyle, which includes paying for games and their accessories. Now, I'm not saying that anyone should run out and get one, just that it does get a bad rep for things besides the price. Heck, I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't A: A Sony console lover or B: Wants all the consoles. But it is a good system, just not $600 good. I love my PS2; I don't belong to it. Loyalty to Sony for its own sake is idiotic. Loyalty to a game series I can see, but that still doesn't justify having to shell out such a steep price for it. Lummox JR |
I'd have to say the higher specs on the ps3 do it no good, and right now it's just completely stupid in a marketing and business sense.
What company in their right mind is going to develop a new version of their game (which they have to design completely different versions for the x360 and wii) to fit and take advantage of all that the ps3 has to offer when it's got the smallest market share and worse rap? Just think about how much more money it probably costs companies to develop better art - when studies show that kids especially don't even care about art which nintendo has proven with their handheld market. What's important is that when you tell your character to do something it shows them doing it and it looks decent; not the scenery. I've been playing oblivion lately and I admit it's a beautiful game, but the graphics aren't what sell you... it's the physics, and the cool hack n slash system! Same thing goes for HD and blu-ray movies; what company is going to develop two completely different versions when they can develop one that fits on both and still looks better than DVD? The market just isn't there yet for it. Think about the wii for a moment; games are cheap, the system is cheap, yet honestly out of all the ps3 games none of them match up to not only the abundance of good games on the wii but the quality of fun! From what I hear Sony's not only doing bad in the gaming department, but in all their other departments as well. Their reputation seems to be going down the tube! I hear nintendo is going to be passing them up in market shares soon! |
Seriously there is no use arguing with you; you act like the wii has been out 5 years and had no online play so yeah whatever. And wow a hour is SUCH a big deal '-.- Trust me, it had to be a local thing, cuz I myself was on the internet and didn't see such a thing on their forums. What would be late is releasing it near the death of the wii(which obviously won't be soon). You'll only be hurting yourself if you refuse to play wii online because its so called "late". I know you don't have a wii, but based off previous posts and my own opinion, you seem to try and deny that you regret no longer owning a wii. But that's just my two cents.
And btw, I'm posting this from my wii... |
Oh simply because it is late does not mean I won't play it later on-line. Simply said, some of the games that should have been online aren't, and I think it hurt those games. Also, without a keyboard, typing on the Wii sucks.
As for Guitar Hero having more stuff if it used Blu-Ray, I cry BS. The ability to store data on a HD makes any game infinatly bigger. I mean, you can download the entire PS2 Hero 1 library on Xbox Live. |
I've yet to have problems with PS2 emulation(I don't own any PS1 games to test). But my PS3 has hardware emulation. The Europeian PS3s don't, so I can't speak for them. Also, knowing how far the emulation has come since it's launch, I'm fairly certain it will only get better.
I chose Ninja Gaiden(A PS3 exclusive, Ninja Gaiden 2 is for 360) and The Darkness because they are coming out shortly. Liar, Heavenly Sword, and War Hawk are three games that I, personally, am looking forward to, and all three are PS3 exclusives.
I won't deny, there is a lack of good games for the PS3. I could very easily say the same thing about the Wii, yet I hear less people mentioning that about the Wii... I wonder why.