Alright, this really made me laugh. Somebody by the key of VegetoXL has been claiming he is a BYOND staff member and has access to a master admin key that gives him GM on every single game, which isn't really possible. This is hilarious! He's got like this entire group of people believing him, and yet I'm seeing absolutely no proof of it. He talks like this: "hey,gys whts up?imb ord" and it just makes me laugh. Man, that made me chuckle.
Yeah, people pull this stunt all the time... I think the problem isn't actually the trolls themselves- it's the people that keep believing them.

Solution: Needs more cynicism.
[link] and the rest of his replies are funnier.
In response to Smoko
Smoko wrote:
[link] and the rest of his replies are funnier.

Yes I was just reading that. Best of luck to him. Maybe is sixty years it'll be complete and we can all bug test for him...