I am out of here for the next two weeks as I am goinng cross-country. Bye for now.
Cross country for what? Bye.
In response to Dession
Have fun!
Wheeee! Cross Country Skiing or like... going across the country. Don't go to Virginia its humid as a mofo over there. If you do live in humid land, then don't go to Arizona. ;D... Oh he's probably gone by now... meh.
In response to WarLin
I finally found a little time to get onto the internet.

I am sorry for the short post but that was five minutes before I left. I am inside an 18-Wheeler in Tennessee, with about 20 tons of soda cans in the trailer.

I am out with my father helping him with the map while he drives (only 16 so I cannot). The reason why is because he got lost in Utah on a dirt fun.

I have been through Arizona...I hate 100 degree temperature.
In response to WarLin
Florida is humid as a muthah!