![]() Jul 17 2007, 6:22 pm
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Or, y'know, they could take the honest route and have a console that's as close to 100% backwards compatible as you can get. Has anyone heard anything about GC games not working on the Wii? How much does that cost nowadays?
this marketing scheme seems like a perfect idea. XBOX 360 is doing it, remaking old games that is... and so is the WII. Nintendo has been doing it for years, and a LOT of their profits come from this.
Movie makers have been remaking old comic books/cartoons lately and raking in the money... |
Don't forget remakes of old movies who were remakes of old movies.
Seriously, did we need another King Kong? |
What it comes down to is this; who has the money?
SHOW ME THE MONEY! Basically casual gamers are the future money makers. Not a lot of people have a lot of time to play, and so they're now marketing to the casual gamer. Hardcore feel cheated because they aren't getting any attention - that's because they don't even touch the money of the casual gamers, and the world turns on money. |
And I win an award for the biggest topics in the game section this summer.
If they start forgetting us hardcore people it'll come back to nip them in the ass eventually. |
What with, y'know, 'hardcore gamers' being such a massive group.
And they're not 'forgetting' you. They just haven't released some of the more 'hardcore' games yet. Although I can tell you that at an anime-videogames convention I recently attended in Adelaide, pretty much a quarter of attendees had a DS, and I saw a single PSP throughout the event. There were about seven Gamecubes in the gaming rooms, two Wiis, about three or four PS2s, and not a single PS3. I think we had two Xboxen or so. The largest tournament - indeed, the largest event at the convention was the Smash Bros. tournament. The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl tournament was also pretty damn large. Nintendo is doing quite well for itself and doesn't need you worrying about it. |
ya but tales of symphonia was the most obnoxious game ever! Everyone was so cheery and happy and... merry. UGHHH
think of it this way;
hardcore gamers demand more and more, and are constantly trying to push the envelop and seem almost never satisfied... they're also playing games a hell of a lot, which could mean they only have one job, and that job might not pay all that well... while you have these people who work a lot, make a lot of money and have very little time to game but when they do game they want it to be a fun and enjoyable experience. MMORPG's are a good example of this. WoW appealed to casual gamers, and got 8 million subscribers. Vanguard, which appealed to hardcore gamers probably didn't even touch 200,000 subscribers. Lots of other "hardcore" games had simular fates. |
Hardcore, or h4rdc0r3? Because I'm fairly sure the latter only need a 24/7 counter strike server to get their daily fix. =P
WoW has only recently begun to appeal to "casual" gamers- before, if you wanted a PvP rank of any status, you needed to be in PvP Battlegrounds for about 14 hours a day. And if you wanted a guild that actually did consistent instance runs, you needed to be on nearly every time they did a run, regardless of whether they needed you or not.
WoW got 8 million players because they were the first to make such a simple system, and make it so attractive to new players that once you started playing it was hard to stop, because you always wanted to "just do another quest" or "just go to that town". Hence World of Warcrack. |
Really? I tried that and it was buggy as hell. I couldn't see playing that, at least in it's current state.
As for the casual-v-hardcore argument, there is no doubt that the Wii has gone for the casual market at the cost of the hardcore market. Sure, there will be a few games, like Mario and Zelda, that apeal to the hardcore, or at least those hardcore that grew up with Mario and Zelda(I've beat every real Mario game released to date, and every Zelda except for "Twilight Princess"), but there is little beyond that. It seems like everything else coming to the console is just movie titles. Sure, there are third party developers, but their just making casual games as well. Does that mean the Wii is a bad system, NO! But it does mean I have no intention on buying one, and what little experience I've had with one was boring to say the least(And the "Twilight Princess" was frustrating to control). I'm actually an adventure game type of guy, but the Wii isn't offering many adventure games, at least not yet. But my PS3 promises me Ratchet and Clank Future: ToD, Drakes Fortune, and many more(whose names currently escape me). |
Insurgency is hardly buggy at all. On the first release, it had quite a few bugs (FIRST RELEASE EVAR), but a client patch and server patch and hotfix fixed that. For a version 1, the game sure does have a lot of polish.
I just downloaded it a few days ago, and I quickly ran into bugs, like cooking smoke nades stuck me with that weapon, preventing me from switching. Also, if you tried to throw a nade, and sprinted at the right time, you would not throw the nade, your hand would be cocked back, but you couldn't release it or change weapons. I also ran into a bug with the main assault riffle, but I can't remember what it was.
Really? Cause I watched my friend play Vanguard and I thought it was a boring, dull game with too much detail.
Jon Snow wrote:
hardcore gamers demand more and more, and are constantly trying to push the envelop and seem almost never satisfied... I don't see many people who claim to be hardcore doing that. I mean look at what blew Winlar away. That's pretty standard for the guys who consider themselves hardcore. Personally he sounds like the sort of casual gamer we used to complain about (only interested in falshy graphics, blockbuster titles and brand names). The people who put the most time into gaming tend to want the same crap over and over because they're good at it. When they get something different they suck at it (which is fair enough because gaming is 99.999% experience). Which is why the games praised for their innovation tend to only be slightly different (ie, Gears of War is widely considered to be ground breaking, yet all they did was add a sweet cover system). Hardcore gamers only seem like they're never satisfied because they're always demanding more and refusing what they're given. |
Yes but all that detail was due to the demands placed by "a hardcore crowd". Which is why the game is about to be canceled.
My friend played the game and what I did see looked hardly fun.
A large portion of his quests was simply trying to talk to people, using this card game style system of conversations. And unless you had a proper level, and proper cards, you usually couldn't beat the NPC at all. My friend got more annoyed and angry with the system then enjoying it. Then I watched him attempt to make some equipment at a forge, and I have to say, it wasn't something I would enjoy. It would randomly throw events at you, like a fire, or burning leather or something, and you had to react to it, and if you didn't do it properly you usually got crappy gear out of it. I enjoy the system world of warcraft has, where if you have the design plans and the needed materials, you just make it. |