Well its all over the internet about sony's so called "Price Drop"..

Well this E3, sony rocked hard.. annoucing a price drop and kill zone 2 look hot!

Well.. price drop is temporary.. i sware.. its like sony WANTS bad press...

$499 for 60 gig models.. then when the 60 gigs r gone.. only the 80 gig will remain .. $599 still..
It's a price-drop nonetheless. It is by no means "fake." So, you'd better hurry up and get that 60GB model.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
And then pry it open and put a half terabyte drive in there.
Go on, you know you want to.
In response to Hazman
Well that is what a lot of people have been doing... But.. The PS3 uses laptop HDs, which can get a little bit more expensive then your average every day PC HD. Also, not ALL brands will work in the PS3.

Some people have reported success with using a USB HD unit on their PS3. But honestly, why would you even need a TB of memory on the PS3?