I just wanted to say how much I love 4.0. Its just great. The interface is truley amazing and i couldn't have asked for a better addition! I know some of the programmers starting out might hate 4.0 becuase it's a little more advanced but give it a chance. In time when you learn how to use 4.0 properly and you will grow to love it. I know i have already typed this before but i just wanted to thank the BYOND staff one more time for a job well done. It's everything 4.0 should be and more.
What's great about it? (Seriously, I'm not being snide, I haven't used it yet and really want to know.)
In response to Ulfhednar
Well the addition of skins itself makes 4.0 already amazing. But another one of my favorite features is the alpha settings for the icons. Those are just my personal favorites.