How do I add my zip file to a forum or a website?
Well, if the site or forum supports HTML, then upload the ZIP file to any site(like or any site for hosting files, just google Free File Hosing), get the link (By right clicking the direct Download link and selecting "Copy Shortcut", then on the site or forum(If it supports HTML, type in

(Without the perenthesiec [ these () ]

(Word(s) Here</ab(Remove The B)>

For image - (Remove the perenthesies around <a)
<br/> (
<imgK(Remove the K) src="Link To Image" border="0">

To upload an image, I recomend
In response to Poal
<a href="Link Here">Word(s) Here</a>

<a href="Link here"><img src="Link To Image" border="0">

On these forums you can use the DM tags to display segments of code and have it appear as if it were written in Dream Maker. They also work great for displaying HTML. =P