Oh my oh my oh my.
Until E-3 I had no idea this game even existed and if I did know I wouldn't have cared. Infact I had doubt in my PS3 in its ability to deliver the goods. In any case, theres this awesome looking downloadable game coming out in 4 days for the PS3 which I hope will deliver. I've researched on a couple of the PS3s other downloadable games like Nucleus and Super Stardust HD and they seem to be getting decent to awesome scores. So I don't want to be disappointed by this game.
Anyways heres the official site about it. Its coming out on Tuesday!
What do you think about Warhawk?
Same thing i thought about Heavenly Sword that got a 7.0
WarLin wrote:
Infact I had doubt in my PS3 in its ability to deliver the goods.

Warlin's last post about the PS3: index.cgi?action=message_read&id=561272&forum=13&view=0

In conclusion: He's either a rabid fanboy or a sony sockpuppet.
In response to Jp
Sony Sucker.
I'm looking forward to it. It'll be the first multiplayer PS3 game that does it right. Of course, the biggest fanboy of another system has already put in his 1.5 cents, but it really looks like it will be fun. I have not had my fast paced dogfighting fill in a lot of years. I hear the motion controls are actually better than using the sticks (although both are an option, no forcing you to flail around like an idiot).

We'll see how it ends up turning out, but I have a feeling that it will end up being extremely fun. And it looks as though customization of your warhawk is very well designed, I can't wait to start designing my own.

The biggest issue that they need to combat is balancing the game. I think the system itself will be balanced, but skilled payers will easily turn the tides, I fear. Having two or three skilled players on one side means that, most likely, that side will dominate without a problem. If they include a good player matching system, it will mostly prevent this problem. Also, if they attempt to balance the teams based on some sort of a scoring system, than it will help prevent the problem as well.

Also, if you read through the blogs of the Warhawk developers, they have some interesting information on the way the physics work. For many of us, this will not tell us anything new, but to someone who don't know the basics of 3D games, this will be interesting and informative.

Also, the 4 player per console mode looks pretty good. It'd never work on my non-HD tv, but for people with them, it would be nice to finally get a game like that. It'll remind me of the good ol' 007 days.
What do you think about Warhawk?

Warhawk is great! It was one of the games I bought with my first PSX (the other was Twisted Metal).

Don't know anything about the new version, though. :)

In response to Nishiatsu
dont forget the...
nintendo nincompoops
and the
microsoft munchers